View Full Version : Seachens Discus Buffer Question

01-29-2015, 05:37 PM
Hi, i was just wondering if anyone here on Simply has used Discus Buffer with any success?? I.e. growing out discus, breeding discus etc etc. My ph is 8.3 out of the tap and while i can raise discus and even breed them with the help of RO, i would like to keep them at about 6.5 PH and use pureb tap. Its just better all around for them and my tap is actually poretty soft, but my choices are limited as my local water municipality buffers the water near 8.5 to cut down on "corrosive" pipes and who know what else. I hate it. Anyway its an option for me and have used it in the past, but that was a long time ago. i know its a phosphate buffer, but was just wondering if anyone uses it with any regularity without any negatives?? Thanks john

01-29-2015, 06:26 PM
So set up another tank put a filter and or a good sized sponge filter with a good amount of aeration then test pH in 24 hrs then 48hrs what is difference between in coming water and the now "aged" water in the tank. Mine comes out of the tap at 8.4-8.8 and settles back to 7-7.5 within 24-48 hrs.

I have used the Seachem Discus buffer with good results BUT if your water is very hard it could precipitate out the calcium and other liquid rock to the sides of your tank. At least that is what it did in my water tank. The other thing to think of is REBOUND where you think you have lowered the pH and then 12 hours later it is back to just about the same as it was. That is rough on fish to go through that. That buffer capacity can get you if your not careful. Here's my example in my area as I said mine comes out high and settles at 7-7.5. I use a 45gal tank to age my water with a lot of filtration when I refilled my 45 I put a lot of Seachem acid buffer in it when I fill it back up. When I checked the pH it was 2.1 on my electronic pH pen that had just been calibrated the next day I rechecked it was at 6.8. So to get MY water lower pH I would of had to use A LOT more of the acid buffer to get it to say 6.0.

01-29-2015, 07:08 PM
My well-water pH is about 8 out of the tap. I used to try and buffer it. The pH went up, it went down, it went up, it went down, and as it did, so did my and my fish's stress levels. Was a silly endeavor in retrospect. I stopped doing that; i just age the water 24 hours before wc's, and my discus seem fine with it. I am not breeding them though.

01-30-2015, 12:44 PM
I've tried to be very careful the few times I've used it not to crash my ph, gradually adding enough to bring down the ph. This is usually done these days when medicating because I've heard it helps at times to have a lower ph. I normally find it gives me sudden crashes even when trying to work it down gradually. It's not something I like to use if I can help it.

01-30-2015, 01:49 PM
I've tried to be very careful the few times I've used it not to crash my ph, gradually adding enough to bring down the ph. This is usually done these days when medicating because I've heard it helps at times to have a lower ph. I normally find it gives me sudden crashes even when trying to work it down gradually. It's not something I like to use if I can help it.
I agree with Stu. I use Fluvial Peat Granules to do the same thing but more naturally. Rufus