View Full Version : My San Merahs are turning white

01-30-2015, 08:46 PM
OK, not quite, but my SM's I got from Kenny this past year are showing their background white base color. Not as nice as solid red! I've had them in with my WB pair with white background in the tank, which I suspect is a contributor, but any other thoughts. I feed them Al's FDBW w/ red bio pigment. I've attached a "bad" pic.

01-30-2015, 09:09 PM
My San Merahs have done the same thing and they were from Kenny also. When they are in Breeding mode they are red though out but when not they look like yours as well. https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7311/16405421962_a41c44fdb8_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qZG5oN)IMG_0767 (https://flic.kr/p/qZG5oN) by https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8674/16220430597_6103f4ea5f_c.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/people/1rufusdpina, on Flickr

01-30-2015, 09:55 PM
Thanks (RU?) Dustin.

Anybody have ideas how to maintain their red color?

William Palumbo
01-30-2015, 10:02 PM
San Merahs have stress bars. Yours look more like Rose Reds. Males will be a lighter color. The females are deep red. Color enhancing foods should help, like Tetra Bits...Bill

01-30-2015, 10:18 PM
San Merahs have stress bars. Yours look more like Rose Reds. Males will be a lighter color. The females are deep red. Color enhancing foods should help, like Tetra Bits...Bill
Sorry to disagree but San Merahs do not have stress bars. Rufus

01-30-2015, 10:47 PM
What I think I recall from Kenny, whoever developed the San Merah was going for a bar-less fish. Fish named this have not all been so. I bought these last summer specifically advertised as bar-less. The Rose Reds I think may be similar, but have bars. Compared to my SM however, my RR's are much more Brown-based.

P.S. My two Rose Reds look to be spawning this evening. I hope they confirm!

01-30-2015, 10:51 PM
What I think I recall from Kenny, whoever developed the San Merah was going for a bar-less fish. Fish named this have not all been so. I bought these last summer specifically advertised as bar-less. The Rose Reds I think may be similar, but have bars. Compared to the SM however, my RR's are much more Brown-based.
I believe you are right about the San Merah not having bars. I have four rose reds and they do have occasionally show bars but my San Merahs never do no matter how stressed they are. I believe that the only thing one can do to keep them really red is to feed them what you are already are feeding them. Lighting can of course be helpful as well. Yours look just fine. I wouldn't worry too much about them. Rufus

01-30-2015, 10:53 PM
Thanks Rufus. (getting the name right :) )

01-30-2015, 11:15 PM
Thanks Rufus. (getting the name right :) )

no worries. I am called Rufus by some and Dustin by others. I use both names. Take care. Rufus

01-30-2015, 11:18 PM
you guys seen Kennys new shipment, there are some Super Red Melons in there. Probably the reddest fish ive ever seen for the red lovers.

01-31-2015, 12:12 AM
Yes, Kenny's got another great shipment coming in. There are many reds out there. I think Kenny does his best to give the lineage of strains when I've asked, but I don't think he always knows. Fuji Red, Tropical Red, SM, RR, Flamingo(remember those?)All similar, but different. My understanding is that Forrest's fish come from many different suppliers. He picks the best he can to sell here. There could be hundreds(thousands?) of breeders producing red fish. we're getting the best of them, and someone names them. You just have to pick what you like.

William Palumbo
01-31-2015, 09:50 AM
Sorry to disagree but San Merahs do not have stress bars. Rufus
Sorry Smartinich and Rufus for my typo. I meant to say Sans DON"T have stress bars. They do throw fry which do have stress bars which are your RR's. I had many spawns of RR's that had a small % of bar less fish, Sans? not sure. I never raised any to adult size...Bill

01-31-2015, 12:24 PM
Sorry Smartinich and Rufus for my typo. I meant to say Sans DON"T have stress bars. They do throw fry which do have stress bars which are your RR's. I had many spawns of RR's that had a small % of bar less fish, Sans? not sure. I never raised any to adult size...Bill No worries. I have had San Merahs for a while and they are quite big now.One is about three years old. He shows no bars and never did and neither do my other two. I've had this conversation several times with several members on SD for a while. A San Merah is a mutation if I remember correctly. It is a strain unto itself. Rufus

01-31-2015, 12:51 PM
I have never had any of my San Merahs turn white like you are mentioning. The females turn a dark red when spawning and stayed red even when they weren't spawning.