View Full Version : Gill flukes....

02-10-2015, 07:06 PM
Ok so I've read maybe 100 plus threads today. We have a 100 gallon tank, 2 Angels, 2 loaches, 6 jv discus. Ammmonia 0, nitrite is 0, temps are 89 "ich was starting on fins of a few fish also added more air stones" Now we have almost all of them breathing very hard. One isn't eating and only breathing out of one gill. We have went thru hell. Long story short we had a seam burst on our older tank. We were in the process of setting up a new tank. It wasn't completely cycled, it seems to be now been about 2 weeks sense they have been swapped from tank.

My question is I can only find virbantel, no droncit.

I've read so many different pages, forums, and a book. Still lost as to what to do here they all say different treatment and are almost 2 years old in forum. No one seems to answer back as to if it works..

02-10-2015, 11:01 PM
How is your nitrate? Seems to me you should cure the ich problem then see how your juvies are. How big are they? How fast are they breathing? I've got 3 juvies 2.5 to 3 inches that breathes about 144/min and l have tried many cures with no luck. So I've given up for now. Butmine uses both gills so your case might be a bit different. And my temp is 82.

02-10-2015, 11:16 PM
Nitrate is 1-2ppm color is inbetween.. I would say they range from 3-4"'s two fish still have some ich on back fins but seems to be clearing up. Just having new issues Id say mine are breathing about the same. But I've read jv should breath 70-80 pm. My smallest one is the one with gill clamp, it seems out of it floating around lost like. Not really eating and hiding a lot.