View Full Version : Using whiteworm soil for plants?

02-11-2015, 05:21 PM
Hi everyone, has anyone tried using the nutritionally rich soil of the whiteworm culture as a substrate additive for aquatic plants? I've heard about the use of washed earth worm castings as a bottom layer in planted aquariums and wondered if something similar could be done with the soil from the White worm culture? I've had this culture on the run for approximately a year now and I've used ordinary potting compost when I first set it up. Can I line the bottom of my Amazon sword pots with a small amount of this soil (washed or unwashed?) and top it up with an aquatic plant substrate and pool filer sand? The plant would not need to be pulled out once it's established in its individual pot. The danger of course is that the excess organic substances/ phosphates or ammonia might leach out into the water column but very small
traces of this dirt already enters the system when I feed my Heckels with White worm which has been fine so far so I don't know. Thanks in advance. Tolga

02-13-2015, 09:32 AM
I think you pretty much nailed the problem on the head, that it could leach nitrates or other organics into the water. I would try it out in a test container of water and test the water for nitrates over a period of time. The other thing you might try doing is "mineralizing" it, like is recommended for top soil. Soak it and then dry it out completely 3-4 times before using it. This helps bacteria breakdown any residual organics, so all you have is the minerals.

02-13-2015, 09:11 PM
sounds interesting, I always like the K.I.S.S method. I would just use some Flourite, but what do I know.

04-13-2015, 01:44 PM
Hi Rodney and Mat. Sorry for not Writing back to thank you for your helpful remarks. I decided not to risk it and went with Flourite sand topped with a thin layer of aquarium sand and seachem root tablets in the end. Although it would be a good idea to test the white worm soil at some stage. Thanks again. Tolga

04-26-2015, 08:50 PM
I used a combination of Eco-Complete and DAS BioBoxes which contain soil. Foam prevents the soil from leaching into the water while allowing roots to get into the soil. I have had great water quality as well as great plant growth.

04-27-2015, 09:30 AM
I used a combination of Eco-Complete and DAS BioBoxes which contain soil. Foam prevents the soil from leaching into the water while allowing roots to get into the soil. I have had great water quality as well as great plant growth.

Pics please, I would like to see your setup showing how you did the foam. I did a soil tank once and even with the cap, I wasn't able to contain the soil.