View Full Version : Strange behavior of my Discus Pair

02-12-2015, 12:58 AM
Hi Fellow Discus Hobbyist,

Last time I had a Discus tank was probably 20 years ago but I always was in the hobby. I had multiple Reef tanks in the last 20 years and obviously rate myself a knowledgeable hobbyist.

I recently moved here to US, Bay area and for some reason (Don't ask me why haha) I decided to set up discus tank. I set up a 120 Gallon planted tank and got two random Pigeon Blood discus in it and also got 20 1 inch Super red fry from one of my friends all in one tank.

With my luck both of those Discuses which are around 5" ended up to pair up and both fostered my fries like their own fries.
They laid eggs couple of times in the tank and last time eggs turned to wigglers which proved me they are real pair.

I separated the pair to a 30G tank and was doing regular water change with cool RO/DI water. I kept temperature at 86 and the pair are doing very well.
Female was very interested to spawn in the last few days, cleaning the cone, shaking the body and trying to lay eggs but for some reason every time she goes vertical to start the spawn my male start to kick her and seems he wants stopping her from spawning.

Can someone shed light and advise what should I do to stop my male aggression behavior toward the female?

Many Thanks,

02-12-2015, 09:02 AM

02-12-2015, 09:55 AM
First drop your temp to 82 and they will spawn better. Second I assume you mean that the male is hitting her in the belly. If so it is completely normal. Just give them time.


02-12-2015, 03:09 PM
Sorry guys I am new member and can't upload any pictures yet.
Thanks John for the feedback, I was just concern that Female can't handle this bullying.
I will drop the temp to 82 and see what happens.
What do you think of using 100% RO/DI water?
KH reads less than 1 but my PH is quite stable around 7. I don't use any chemical to alter the PH.