View Full Version : New Wilds Tank

02-25-2015, 08:37 PM
Hi members,I would appreciate you opinion on this.I am putting together a new 220 gallon tank.What type of filtration do you think will work best.Plan to have 20 Wild Blue and Red Discus only in it.Just looking for some sound, experienced advise.Thanks in advance.Also does anyone use a Diatom filter.

02-25-2015, 09:04 PM
Hello there ,

I Feel the easy answer to this question would be a sump . I personally have never used a diatom filter, Not much I can tell you about that. However , the fluval fx 6 is a power horse of a canister filter. I'm currently running two of them on my 180 gallon aquarium. Also quite a bit of space to increase the bio media. since you will have such a large amount of discus (Excellent choice if I may add) two of them could work for ya.

But back to the Wet /dry . would be a wise choice in my opinion because of it's size and ability to hold more media to accommodate the larger bio load.
I feel either way you can make it work. but a lot of people swear by the Wet /Dry.

Are you on some sort of a budget ?

02-25-2015, 09:22 PM
Actually WildJon, I plan to use a 50g sump.I have had some success with this type in the past.I copied a DIY design from the Reef Guys.I have 2 ,90 G running with Fluvals also.I am thinking of the design for an overflow using 2 inch pvc,etc.Substrate will be white sand with driftwood and nothing else but heaters.Doing all the work myself as usual.Thanks you for your quick response.Wet/dry is definitely in my plan.