View Full Version : Dilemma with tank change over

02-28-2015, 07:19 PM
I'm upgrading from my 20 gallon to a 55 gallon tank but have hit a snag. I only have one heater that is adjustable. It is currently in the 20 gal with my 2 discus but was bought with the idea of a tank upgrade so it is big enough for the 55. The 55 has a non adjustable heater with the thermostat set at 78 in it while the tank cycled due to not having the funds to get another heater and this one I had prior to receiving the discus. What would be the best way of raising the temp in the bigger tank accurately without the smaller tank cooling down? Also the 55 gallon is currently running a aqua tech hang on filter but I have a canister filter ordered that has had the delivery date pushed back a few more days that I'm planning on running simultaneously with the hang on to help keep the water quality up. Would it be best to wait until the new filter is here and installed before putting switching the fish over? I have the filter media I will be using soaking in a bucket of water from the water change today to start it's beneficial bacteria growth. Any opinions on this would be helpful! Thanks in advance!

02-28-2015, 07:38 PM
Move the fish and heater over at same time. If the fish are healthy they should be ok. What is your 20 gal set at

02-28-2015, 08:36 PM
The 20 gallon is set at 82 deg and all occupants seem happy at that temp.

02-28-2015, 10:26 PM
Do you get the water straight from tap? If so, simply fill up the 55g with water that is around 86 degrees or so, this gives you a buffer just in case you do not put the discus in right away. The water wouldn't cool too quick. Then, move the heater and fish over and you are good to go.

02-28-2015, 11:50 PM
Thanks guys. Guess tomorrow I'll get to work on transferring fish over to the bigger tank. Once they're in and settled more discus will be on their way to join them!

02-28-2015, 11:53 PM
hopefully after a good amount of QT for the inbound discus.

03-01-2015, 12:01 AM
Would it be best to wait until the new filter is here and installed before putting switching the fish over? Thanks in advance!

Yea I think so. Has anything been cycled? aAe you worried about that at all?

03-01-2015, 12:09 AM
The new fish will be coming from the same source as the two I have now. I'm re homing them from a guy I work with that wants to make room for new additions to his tank.

03-01-2015, 12:14 AM
Yea I think so. Has anything been cycled? aAe you worried about that at all?

The new tank has been up and running with a hang on filter using a bio ball, filter, and decor from the existing tank to aid in the bacteria growth. Im adding a second filter to it just to aid in water cleanliness once it comes. I have the media for that filter already and it has been cleaned and is currently soaking in water from the existing tank to jump start it's beneficial bacteria so it will be ready to go when the new filter comes.

03-01-2015, 01:26 AM
well just saying... but get your temp up to 84 degrees. You move slower in the cold and so do discus. I keep my systems at 85

03-01-2015, 12:10 PM
85093 well fish are in and everyone seems to enjoy the new space. I did a partial water change on the new tank to bring the temp up this morning and then transferred the heater and some more disposable fish first. I waited and watched them for 4-5 hrs and they have been happy so in went the discus. They've only been in for about a half hr but so far seem to be good. I'll keep my old tank running for the next few days I case something goes wrong but I can't see that happening. Sorry for the picture, the tank light is off and the iPad had trouble focusing. After my background comes I'll get out the dslr and do a proper photo shoot

03-01-2015, 06:38 PM
I'm glad that more discus is in your plans. Like I mentioned before though, you always want to quarantine new fish coming in. Observe them for a few weeks and when the time comes, introduce a fish in your main display tank to the QT tank.