View Full Version : Quick help with resealing tank.

03-03-2015, 08:34 PM
My 55 gal sprung a leak today in the bottom seal in a few spots around it. I have it drained and the fish moved into my 20 gal while I reseal this but I'm stuck. Should I remove all of the old silicone at once to re seal the whole tank or is it better to only remove and reseal the areas that were a problem? I would hate for there to be an issue later on with another leaking section but time i don't want my tank falling apart if I remove all of the sealant either. Timing is a factor too as the 20 gal isn't really big enough for the fish in it.

03-03-2015, 08:39 PM
Bill did a great job on this thread.

Do it all

03-03-2015, 08:42 PM
This has happened to me several times. It's very hard to tell where a leak is actually coming from, so to be on the safe side I remove all the silicone and reseal the whole tank. Be sure you use the right silicone, I use GE silicone 1 and let it cure for 48 hours. Good luck.

03-03-2015, 09:12 PM
Thanks guys. I picked up some loctite silicone that says its aquarium safe all over it so time will tell.