View Full Version : End the quarantine ?

03-04-2015, 10:49 AM
I received 5 sick discus juvis from a guy about 2 weeks ago. He was moving and gave them free from an add put on internet. Add was for 7 fish but 2 had died during and I received 5 where 2 were bely up! Anyway I set-up a quarantine tank and put in 2 types of medication. 2 fish on their sides died off next two days and I have had the rest of the 3 till now. Two of them looks very healthy and eating very well during last 10 days or so. The one dominant of the two is even chasing other guy off at meal times. One of them is very secluded and does not even seems to be eating or maybe nibbling a bit and very thin (From looks of things will be stunted anyway after this ordeal).

Anyway should I add one of my discus(runt) from main tank to test in few days? OR should I wait a few more weeks ?
I was hoping that I move the lot I got into a bucket, clean the tank heater and sponge filter and then put them back in there. Then after one day or so to put in the discus from my tank.

03-04-2015, 10:52 AM
Too soon!

2 weeks isnt a Quarantine at all...they are barely settled in at this point... You really need a good solid 6 weeks plus...at the bare minimum for those liking to gamble...4 weeks... and then try the test fish and wait a few more weeks.

I received 5 sick discus juvis from a guy about 2 weeks ago. He was moving and gave them free from an add put on internet. Add was for 7 fish but 2 had died during and I received 5 where 2 were bely up! Anyway I set-up a quarantine tank and put in 2 types of medication. 2 fish on their sides died off next two days and I have had the rest of the 3 till now. Two of them looks very healthy and eating very well during last 10 days or so. The one dominant of the two is even chasing other guy off at meal times. One of them is very secluded and does not even seems to be eating or maybe nibbling a bit and very thin (From looks of things will be stunted anyway after this ordeal).

Anyway should I add one of my discus(runt) from main tank to test in few days? OR should I wait a few more weeks ?
I was hoping that I move the lot I got into a bucket, clean the tank heater and sponge filter and then put them back in there. Then after one day or so to put in the discus from my tank.

03-04-2015, 07:52 PM
Too soon!

2 weeks isnt a Quarantine at all...they are barely settled in at this point... You really need a good solid 6 weeks plus...at the bare minimum for those liking to gamble...4 weeks... and then try the test fish and wait a few more weeks.


spot on advice from the man!

03-05-2015, 08:45 AM
Thanks man. Was just wondering as 2 of them seems to be doing great. I will let them in there at least another 2 wets i guess.

Second Hand Pat
03-05-2015, 08:52 AM
Thanks man. Was just wondering as 2 of them seems to be doing great. I will let them in there at least another 2 wets i guess.

They should all be doing great for a while before any thought of moving them or introduce of a hero fish. Better to be safe then sorry.