View Full Version : new discus not doing so well

03-04-2015, 07:55 PM
I have kept discus in the past and decided it was time to try again. We are in a new area where the PH is more suitable for them.

I have a planted, 55 gal tank. It it about five years old, but we moved over two months ago. I replanted my tank but kept the same filter.

My two large, adult discus I bought last Sunday. They have been shy, but I have seen them playing in the evening. They aren't eating. I have tried discus flakes and they have no interest. One of my discus is very dark And they both are hiding a lot more and breathing fast, but not coming to the surface. My levels are good. No ammonia or anything.

Aside from the plants, they are the only thing in my tank at the moment. I have CO2 but I haven't hooked it up yet because I want to make sure the discus are healthy.

I asked the supplier what they were feeding the discus he said live or Frozen. Where do I get that? Can I make it at home? I don't want to lose my fish.

03-04-2015, 08:17 PM
To tell you the truth, plants and discus is not a good combination. Temp must be 82 degrees at least for discus and plants should stay between 78-80 degrees. I have planted tanks with a couple of discus in the past but didn't go well. If you increase the temp they'll encourage to eat but if you increase the temp the plants will die. Also don't add CO2 when you have discus in the tank because they need a lot of oxygen. CO2 will take away oxygen

03-04-2015, 09:42 PM
But I've always had discus in a planted tank. I keep the tank at 85 and never have had an issue with plants. I haven't run my CO2 with discus before though because I worry about oxygen levels for my fish. Is there a way to have both? Lots of people have planted tanks and discus. There is a happy balance. In the meantime, I'm more worried about my fish than my plants.

I turned the light off for now to try and calm the one that is very dark.

For live food, should I feed them red worms? Is it safe to feed them the ones you get at a bait store? I live far away from an actual aquarium shop where I can purchase live food.

To tell you the truth, plants and discus is not a good combination. Temp must be 82 degrees at least for discus and plants should stay between 78-80 degrees. I have planted tanks with a couple of discus in the past but didn't go well. If you increase the temp they'll encourage to eat but if you increase the temp the plants will die. Also don't add CO2 when you have discus in the tank because they need a lot of oxygen. CO2 will take away oxygen

03-05-2015, 08:46 PM
:bandana: If you just put (2) in the 55g a week or so ago, they're still stressed A) from the new home & B) cause they could use some company. 5 or 6 would be ideal. Give em more time to get comfortable. Try live black worms. FDBW are another choice. Keep the lights low & the temp up. I know you got plants but the fish needs are priority at the moment. Adults can refuse to eat for days at a time so don't panic. Just remove uneaten food & re-introduce in a day or so. "T"