View Full Version : I've stuffed up and I haven't even purchased my 1st discus..

03-06-2015, 10:27 AM
Alright so here what's happening, I've FAILED my aquascape horrible by buying way to much driftwood, my gravel has algy all over it, I did have a heap of rummy noses but the angle fish I was giving are have eating half of them (they cost me 5 bucks each), the tank is cycled however due to some aggression one of my fish got stressed out got Ick and now my water is green from the medicen should clear with in the next 24 hours, I have know idea how many tetras I have, when purchasing the tank I did not realize that I have to LIFT off the 6 foot light thingy off the tank which makes it so much harder to clean and decorate because I can't see.

To add to that I've been In and out of hospital for the past 4 months and will continue for the next 2, I have half a year of school to catch up on, I'm looking after 3 other tanks aswell and I tend to over worry. So im in abit of a mess right now.

If someone could guide me step by step though these probloms would be very greatful, please no bombarding with unnecessary info please.
thanks for the help.

03-06-2015, 09:39 PM
1) Too much driftwood: Take out as much as you can from the tank. Stick it in a bucket, tub, just get it out, aqua-scaping can wait until everything is under control.
2) Algae: I am not sure what medication you are using or what the water change instructions are with it but I would do a hard core gravel vac and change as much of the water as possible, wipe down the sides of the tank. Best treatment for algae is elbow grease.
2.5) Light thingy? What? If it's not helping you keep the tank clean and managed, ditch it if possible.
3) Don't know how many fish: Get a head count of the fish, write it down, if there's any more missing or lost due to eating or ich you will know exactly how many
4) Aggression: It sounds like your angel is very territorial and thinks the rummies are nice big gourmet snacks, I would separate them somehow if even in a makeshift manner in the same tank.
5) Rebuild: All that stuff that was taken out of the tank, give it a good cleaning and scrub it with a toothbrush. Don't put it back in until the tank is under control.

Questions, clarification, or disagreements (you can totally disagree with me it's cool) please keep in numeric order :D

03-06-2015, 09:46 PM
The hard truth:
If you are going to get discus the first thing this forum will tell you is bare bottom is best. (I didn't listen at first and ended up removing all substrate except for a stemless wine glass holding some plants.)
Angelfish should be introduced after discus and after the discus have matured because Angels can be bullies and discus like calm.
You are going to need to QT the discus when you first get them or they might infect your tank again. Don't get them until you are ready to do daily hard core water changes, I am not saying this because Im a crazy fish keeper but because there is a noticeable difference in behavior and stress when you don't.

03-07-2015, 12:20 AM
I've done a gravel vacuum and the water comming out was horrible the algy problem has been erected in most of the tank. The light is 1 great big unit looks and acats like a hood but with no lid sorry for not explaining that correctly, I'll try my best to find a new home for the angles most likely the fish store, how big should the go tank be? My budget can't afford a hole new tank would a plastic hospital tank work? I'll try to keep the tank under stocked as much as possible as I'll only be able to do 2 25% water changes a week.
thanks for replying

Chicago Discus
03-07-2015, 01:47 AM
Austin, Calm down its going to be fine don't stress yourself out its just going to make yourself feel worst. Take it step by step. Try and separate the Angles and keep the rummy nose tetras in there for cycling purposes. take all the driftwood out and make that you don't have to much gravel in the bottom of the tank. Algae Blooms are very common with new tanks so don't stress about it. Im going to PM you a very nice person (a good friend of mine) In Australia that can walk you through this stuff. Dont add anymore fish in the tank just keep it very simple until things get cycled and balance out. Water is key with any fish that you have just remember that. Its all going to be ok Austin just take a deep breath. :):):)......Josie

03-07-2015, 02:06 AM
Ok thanks josie

03-07-2015, 01:47 PM
:bandana: First things first - B-R-E-A-T-H____I-N!! ____________ OK. Let it out. Now, minor set backs are to be expected when starting out. Trick is to be calm & deal w/ them one at a time. Don't worry about driftwood & decorations right now, that'll come later. Right now you wanna keep it simple. Save yourself the stress & re-home the angel fish. Keep the tetras & go minimum to bare w/ the substrate. You'll thank me later. W/C's & wiping down tank along w/ reducing the lights will cure your algae woes. Don't make yourself crazy. It's gonna be fine. Just take your time & keep the 'horse' before the 'cart'. lol lol We're here for you. "T"