View Full Version : Discus and plants question

03-15-2015, 09:02 PM
Have a pretty well going planted tank 150 gallon been going for a year now and growing great. Bought my first 3 discus today. Was told i need to use a RO system to get my ph correct for them to live but have heard the RO will strip water of minerals that plants like eat and thrive on.

150 gallon tank dirted not dosing ferts and have CO2. Never had any problems as of so far with any of my cichlids with water straight from the well/tap. ( not city water) Do I need the RO unit for discus? If i do then do i need to start dosing ferts to suppliment for the removed minerals from the RO unit?

03-15-2015, 09:47 PM
The majority of people here don't even test there ph. Discus apart from wilds can easily adjust to your waters ph.

03-15-2015, 09:59 PM
You have a hi tech planted tank and don't dose ferts? Might want to research EI dosing now that you have discus. And you have other cichlids in this tank??? You need to give us more info and no you don't need RO.

03-16-2015, 09:31 AM
You do not need RO system to keep Discus even small once. If you want to breed them later you might have to consider this but it will have to be anyway not in your planted tank! As long as there are no PH crashes your good to go with Discus!

03-16-2015, 07:53 PM
No other cichlids in the 150 planted tank just some cardinal tetra 9, one cory cat, and the 3 discus. My cichlids are in the 600 gallon tank downstairs. I will look into what EI is, whats that stand for?

03-17-2015, 12:29 AM
Holy cow that is some serious peppering! More than even the bottom of chain runt I have (black background and side). You light maybe a bit too high wattage btw for them. Also they do not seems to be fed that great. Try to increase the amount of feeds per day at this age or to feed them a bit more.