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View Full Version : How about Bombay duck (lizardfish) as main food for Discus.

03-18-2015, 09:28 AM

It is very difficult to find Beef Heart here in my area. So I need to find some alternative.

One saltwater fish that is readily available is called Bombay duck (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombay_duck). It has 62% protein contents. Here is the page with all Nutritional Data (http://calorie-data.com/foods/view/16-005). Although the data is for dried fish, I think the data will not change too much for fresh fish.

I planning to use a mixture of this fish + spirulina + Hikari Tropical DISCUS Bio-Gold. Prepare the mixture and freeze it.

I hope experts here will provide their suggestions. Will diet consisting mainly of a sea fish have any adverse effect?

Let me have your comments. Thanks in advance,


03-18-2015, 09:44 AM
Hi Parag,

It sounds like a decent base fish in a homemade food recipe.. many people use a fish based home made mix and it works for them fine.
I planning to use a mixture of this fish + spirulina + Hikari Tropical DISCUS Bio-Gold. Prepare the mixture and freeze it.
is a good start. I would also mix in some shelled prawn or raw shrimp, as well as clams and or squid if you have access to it. Some paprika powder may also be a good on for pigments and as an attractant,

Do you have access to Chicken or turkey breast meat? That would be a good alternative to Beef heart.


03-18-2015, 10:23 AM
Hi Al,

I can get chicken breast meat. Is it better alternative to BH than the fish I am planning to use? What do you think will be better for digestion, animal meat or fish meat?


03-18-2015, 10:45 AM
Hi Al,

I can get chicken breast meat. Is it better alternative to BH than the fish I am planning to use? What do you think will be better for digestion, animal meat or fish meat?

I don't think its a question of it being better, but it may have a better texture, be less messy and be more palatable. I've found discus not go crazy for white fish meat by itself. I've made alot of mixes I call surf and turf... some fish and some beefheart or turkey mixed together half and half. Add in some shellfish,shrimp etc plus the spirulina, paprika and some garlic powder. A multi vitamen thats been powdered. Some flake or pellets as binder . The resulting mix usually is well accepted.


03-18-2015, 11:52 AM
You are absolutely right. Discus are not interested in white fish meat at all. I had to add spirulina and bio-gold to change its color. I will try chicken breast meat + the Bombay duck fish meat + other stuff. That will be my next batch.

03-18-2015, 12:38 PM
Let me know how it works out for you!!


03-18-2015, 01:31 PM
Bombay duck is one of the worst fish I have every come across. It smells a lot even when it is fresh and the fish is usually caught in coastal India where the ocean water is polluted with drainage water. For an expensive and sensitive fish like discus, please consider other options over Bombay duck. If you do success in preparing the food, I can guarantee that your fridge is going to smell Bombay duck for a year even after you remove the food :).

03-18-2015, 07:25 PM
Bombay duck is one of the worst fish I have every come across. It smells a lot even when it is fresh and the fish is usually caught in coastal India where the ocean water is polluted with drainage water. For an expensive and sensitive fish like discus, please consider other options over Bombay duck. If you do success in preparing the food, I can guarantee that your fridge is going to smell Bombay duck for a year even after you remove the food :). I did read that its stunk to high heaven when dried... but also read that the claims it was unsafe were unfounded.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombay_duck


03-20-2015, 07:25 PM
I feed my fish a mixture if fish and shrimp but I use the same fish and shrimp that I cook for dinner. If they eat it they eat it, if they don't I won't feed it to them next time.

03-25-2015, 09:59 PM
Update : I am using the following recipe for now:

50% Bombay Duck fish meat. (about 1 pound)
50% Beef heart. (about 1 pound)
1-2 table spoon of Garlic paste.
2 table spoon of spirulina

The fish have started eating this new mix after 2 days. Seems to be enjoying it now. Small babies 5-6 week old are actually eating this more than they used to eat plain BH mix. So far so good. :)