View Full Version : Emu1sive's 55 Build. What I Have Learned!?

03-29-2015, 01:56 PM
Hello! This is my 55gal bb tank on it's 3 month anniversary. Been running since Dec 29 last year. Started with some 1.5in discus from a lfs.
2 Brilliant Turquoise
2 Pigeon Blood
1 Orange Dude
1 Blue Diamond

pH 7.4
Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia 0

6 Black Neon Tetras (Testing fish after 10 years of not having a tank, I did a fish-less cycle then added these guys)
1 Rainbowfish (Don't get a fish just because your daughter begs you)
3 Angelicus Botia (I am lucky these guys don't bother the discus. Def not generally suggested. I love mine though <3)
1 Hillstream Loach (Don't even ask why)

So far I've learned:
•I am a noob. I am hard headed. All this fanaticism about water changes and going BB IS FOR A REASON. You think you can go planted? You're gonna stunt something.
•Do not use substrate if you are new. DO NOT DO IT
•Intestinal parasites. If you have discus. Have metro on hand. Don't bother with anything but pure metro it's a waste of money.
•This forum is your best friend but don't even bother whining about something going wrong if you are not bb or doing plentiful wc's. John will show up and you will face his wrath.
•Learn to love water changes and a clean tank.
•These fish talk to you! They talk to you through their behavior and coloration.

If I were to start again I would...
•Keep only discus
•Not worry so much about pH. I throw some neutral buffer in because my water's pH is 9. Other than that, water changes are more important to me. Water comes from the tap. I match the temp, pH is 7.4 with the buffer which is added as the water is put in the tank. No pre-mixing.
•Daily 50% WC
•Feed BH, Cobalt Discus Flakes and the sponsor's FDBW
•Order fish from a forum sponsor
•Keep my current equipment/tank setup
•Keep only discus
•Get the python sink/hose thing in the first place (smh doing wc with a 5 gal bucket on a 55... HAHA what was I thinking)
•Do a preventative metro treatment
•Order a BUNCH of the FDBW (freezedried black worms) from the forum sponsor. The discus love them, I love them!

I am going to share my embarrassments. I love you all on this forum and you may hate me for the mistakes I've made but I want to share them hoping to save one person from doing what I did:
•Started with plants and substrate.
•Fish got Ich, I'm guessing because I was only doing %30 wc every couple days and had substrate. Thinking about it now. THAT IS DISGUSTING!
•After Ich cleared one of my discus was dark and hiding for a month. Finally spotted some white stringy feces. Treated with Metro and they are finally better.
•I sucked up a pidgeon blood with the python when I turned away for a second. A SECOND is all it takes. He's Ok but for 2 weeks I wasn't sure he would make it and is still recovering.
•Get my fish from a sponsor.
•Dark background=peppering. I am a believer...I still need to change my background and I would put white under the tank so the bottom is white too.

I feel like I am at a confessional. My fish may never reach their full potential because of what I have done but I love them all the same. Still learning!

Ill add some pics of the brilliant turquoise after they wake up. They're prettier after breakfast. Let me know what ya'll think.

03-29-2015, 05:56 PM
When I give people advice, one of the things I am trying to help them with is minimizing the "If I were to start again I would..." column. We always try to improve, but most of the time you get such a huge leg up by taking the simple advice given here. Many don't see the sense in the advice until they have lived through it. Very much like parenting, lol.

03-29-2015, 10:03 PM
Too true! Here's one of the blue turquoise.86032

03-30-2015, 05:51 PM
My daughter picked out the same castle for my tank.

03-30-2015, 09:59 PM
haha yeah that was definately my daughter's pick. The pagoda was my son's choice. I personally would have gone all driftwood.

10-10-2015, 02:35 PM
Hey, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your 'confessional'. I haven't started with discus yet, but I am just about there. Your confessional helps me to know where to concentrate my last few efforts before taking the plunge. Thanks!!

10-17-2015, 04:07 PM
Hi Meshelly!

I am happy that it was of use to someone :)

They are still growing and are doing better than ever! Still bare bottom on the tank though I have taken to tying anubias to rocks and sinking it to the bottom of the tank :P

10-17-2015, 04:32 PM
Sorry you had troubles byt thank you very much for posting this.


10-17-2015, 08:32 PM
Say 3 hail Mary's and an act of contrition