View Full Version : Your expert input is needed. Seeding 75 gallon poret sump

03-31-2015, 05:12 PM
Hey gang,

I am working on the plumbing for the 75 gallon sump which is going to filter my 240 gallon display and as is usual, I am solving things in my head and had an idea. :idea2: (danger alert)

Here is the idea - My grow out is in its 6th month in the 75 gallon tank. I am running an Fluval 110 HOB which has sponge and 3 bags of ceramic. I am also running a Fluva 70 which has a sponge and 1 bag of ceramic. In addition I have 1 sponge filter (bubble type).

Since those are fully cycled and teaming with BB - could I cut the sponges into slices and attach to my Poret with toothpicks? Would this be a super fast way to populate the Poret with BB? I was also planning on dropping the 4 ceramic bags in the center sump chamber.

Is it accurate to say - Even though there is larger volume of water, the bio-load remains the same and should be managed by the current level of BB in the filter media transferred from the 75g?

Or ... would you expect an ammonia spike with this?

Thanks for responding!

03-31-2015, 05:22 PM
or you could rinse or squeeze those sponges into that sump so the crud gets pulled into it. I also drop the ceramic into the sump and I'd not expect any spike.

03-31-2015, 06:04 PM
Your plan is a sound one, but I always tell people to do large daily water changes just in case. Once that BB is in your tank, it will populate so long as it has a food source. It will soon get large enough to take care of your tank load. In this transition stage though, always be cautious and keep checking parameters.

Second Hand Pat
03-31-2015, 06:05 PM
Greg, when I move the Cuipeua to the 180 I will pull the two sponge filters and the foam from the AC 110 (all in the QT) and simply add it to the sump. I would not bother cutting the sponges up. Just place them in the sump. When I start a new tank and after adding fish I still will monitor and do daily 50% water changes to help the fish settle into their new home.

03-31-2015, 09:20 PM
Thanks for the Great tips.

Pat, how long does it take to do a 50% change on a 180? I might need to upgrade my water transfer pump unless I want to spend an hour draining and an hour refilling... which is about what it would take with my current, low budget Home Depot pump.

03-31-2015, 10:13 PM
Greg, since you are drilling due to sump already why not drill the tank for drain?it would make your life easier

Second Hand Pat
03-31-2015, 10:46 PM
Greg, to do a 50% on my 240 is about 45 mins. I use a 3/4 hose to drain and do not recall the pump.