View Full Version : Peroxide as a plant dip?

04-19-2015, 06:03 PM
I have heard one can use Hydrogen Peroxide (standard 3%) as a plant dip to clean off any bad bacteria, snail eggs, algae for new plants before introducing them to an aquarium. I have never done this as I always made a 10 to one mix of bleach and water (one cup bleach, 10 cups water) and dipped the plants in that.

I heard the peroxide doesn't need to be rinsed as it turns to O2 in the tank water where one has to rinse the bleach mix off very thoroughly.

So do you dilute the peroxide? Is this viable? I also have heard that algae will drop off of a plant in the peroxide mix without scrubbing much like the algae will drop off of any tank décor when dipped in a bleach solution.


04-19-2015, 09:36 PM
I have used it many times. I ussually dilute it about 50% with water and then just let the plants soak for a little while. Some plants like mosses can get burnt by it, but usually not too bad. I spray it any exposed algae in my tank during water changes Works great for that.

04-19-2015, 09:46 PM
Thank you very much :)

04-19-2015, 09:51 PM
Peroxide is a good way to rid snails. Peroxide is h2o2, water is h2o. It does break down into water and oxygen, don't shake the bottle of peroxide! Agitation speeds the break down.
It is useful in neutralizing potasium permangenate, and quite harmful to sensitive living things, such as snails, bacteria, and algae.

04-20-2015, 02:38 AM
Peroxide a must have in your cabinet, I learn that from Kenny a while back is cool to see how the water turns clear after a potassium permanganate treatment, and spray of the plants leave it works great too, I will try to keep it away from the roots as it can burnt them more easy (so when dipping the whole plants I will reduce it to 70% water 30% peroxide).

04-20-2015, 12:21 PM
Thank you all for the information; I will put it to good use :)