View Full Version : Promiscuous Discus?

04-20-2015, 10:14 PM
My White Butterfly and Golden Sunrise paired up and I'm around 15 days in. Fry are growing well... this is the farthest I've gotten in my new breeding adventure.

The fry ignored mama and only ate off of the Golden Sunrise. She seemed to take offense and started to bully the dad, so I put her back into the display tank. Daddy is doing great, and seems to be holding up well.

Meanwhile, in the display tank, Mama has already laid eggs with a pigeon carnation. Is this typical behavior? I always thought it was hard to get them to pair with different mates, she seems to be moving on just fine! Is it unusual for the fry to only latch on to one parent?


04-20-2015, 10:21 PM
Fish are not paired for life. It is perfectly normal.

04-20-2015, 10:23 PM
As far as I know humans for the most part are the only creatures to mate for life. Although there are exceptions there too lol

04-20-2015, 11:52 PM
depends on the fish, just like humans, lol.

some pairs are a tight bond, but a female on cycle with continue her cycle if she isn't with her fry. even still sometimes she will lay eggs with fry in the tank.

just wait and see, I would almost bet she'll return to her man once you drop him back in the main tank. sometimes not but some pairs are tough to break.

04-21-2015, 08:43 AM
Nothing mates for life. Now that they can test DNA they are even finding that many of the bird species that they have always claimed do really don't.


04-25-2015, 06:46 PM
my female was quite content to have 2 males fertilize her eggs last night. she and the bigger male eventually chased off the young male and have taken over guarding of the eggs today tho.

if i pulled the big male i doubt she'd be heartbroken. in fact, im pretty sure i just saw her flirting with the young male in secret while the older male fanned the nest.