View Full Version : Separate Smaller Discus?

04-27-2015, 10:29 AM
Right now I have different size discus in my 75 gallon. Before I discovered the wonderful world of discus forums I had rescued two discus and in my haste to make them as comfortable as possible bought 4 more cheap discus. I knew this wasn't ideal but after hearing about how difficult it can be to keep them I wanted to make sure I was ready for it and capable before investing in 4 or 5 more 100.00+ discus. This was before I understood that growing discus is much more difficult than keeping discus. I had one die (I believe it starved, I did everything I could but keep in mind this was a $10 2" discus that was in crap condition when I got it). I replaced him with a 5" healthy discus. Now my current discus stock is:

1 5" PB
2 4" blue/red turq
1 3" PB
1 2.5" PB

As of right now everyone seems to be doing well together. Occasional chase and nip but no real aggression.

My question is, would I be better off pulling the two little guys to my 20g long bare bottom hospital tank and "growing" them there? Or is it better to leave them in my 75g with the other 4?

Here's a couple pics to show size difference.


04-27-2015, 12:13 PM
I raise smaller with larger, etc. It's only an issue if there's bullying or fish are over competing with each other for food and not allowing other fish to eat and stressing them out. It's generally suggested to get 5-6 to dispel the aggression.

Picking up fish from lfs's (Petco's, Petsmart, or other) can be fraught with problems due parasite and disease problems and usually isn't the best way to start off with Discus. Most people would recommend a quarantine procedure before adding new fish. You have a nice tank but It's hard to tell much from these pictures. Planted non bare bottom tanks usually aren't the best way to raise healthy young Discus for size and health. It's a rewarding hobby but it has special requirements for optimal results.

04-27-2015, 12:42 PM
I quarantined in my bb tank before adding to my "big tank". I'm treating the tank with metro on the off chance the little one has parasites or a bacterial infection (I don't think it does, it eats fine now and I didn't see anything in QT that would indicate parasites) but being that it's so skinny and small and the one that was in similar condition died I'd rather treat to be safe. From what I understand, metro doesn't really have any negative effects.

My parameters are always pristine in my tank. Currently they all eat from my hand with no problem. But as you said, I read that bare bottom non planted is best for growth.

I'm just not sure if putting the two in the 20g long bb tank would be better for them or leaving them in the planted tank with the group would. People around here seem to really know their stuff with this species so I was hoping to get a few opinions :)