View Full Version : Anyone know how to make glass lids for tanks?

04-30-2015, 07:40 AM
I'm setting up some new tanks in the fishroom, and they don't have lids. I would like to try making lids in order to save a few bucks. I know how to cut glass, and my local hardware store has sheets of glass for a very good price, so that part of the process should be easy enough. The only problem I have is finding the black plastic slider things where the two pieces of glass fit into on the sides. Does anyone have any idea on how to source that plastic or another option to get around using it?
To clarify, it is a long black narrow plastic "E" shaped peice(s) where the two pieces of glass fit in.

Also, any ideas about where to get the clear plastic piece at the back of the glass which snaps onto the back glass piece to stop fish getting out, but allows you to put heater cables and air lines through the slots?


Larry L
04-30-2015, 07:46 AM
There's a how to on you tube I just did it.works great.

04-30-2015, 11:09 AM
Check out the reef forums too. Lots of different top builds.

04-30-2015, 02:32 PM
Go to a glass store most hardware stores only carry single strength glass. You are going to need at least double strength glass. Single strength glass is a recipe for an emergency room visit. That plastic piece you refer to is sold at most pet stores or IF you know your glass thickness you order from any of the mail order pet places.

05-01-2015, 11:59 PM
I toyed with the idea of glass before but end up buying Plaskolite egg crate White louver 2' x 4' for just $13 in home depot. Easy to install and you can cut the way you want it with just a plier cutter.

05-02-2015, 12:50 PM
Dumb question did you try ebay? The various pet specialty places like DR Fosters? Have always found if you can get away from a specialty identification to a general usage you are much better off in price. (I remember gallon plastic bottles with lid "for photography" about $3.99 or so, bottle of off brand bleach $.59 - yes a few years ago - $0.59 and you go the bleach or vinegar too......)

Other than plastic hinge wouldn't know what to call it...... ebay had some, but not sure they were quite right, but like I said not sure I was looking for the right thing.

You might call the LFS or a national chain and see if you can get a proper name to look for. Know the part names will help you search.

PS I used dual wall polycarbonate left from building the greenhouse - flat clear easy to cut. A tad expensive but much better than glass replacement lids.

05-02-2015, 01:19 PM
I'm setting up some new tanks in the fishroom, and they don't have lids. I would like to try making lids in order to save a few bucks. I know how to cut glass, and my local hardware store has sheets of glass for a very good price, so that part of the process should be easy enough. The only problem I have is finding the black plastic slider things where the two pieces of glass fit into on the sides. Does anyone have any idea on how to source that plastic or another option to get around using it?
To clarify, it is a long black narrow plastic "E" shaped peice(s) where the two pieces of glass fit in.

Also, any ideas about where to get the clear plastic piece at the back of the glass which snaps onto the back glass piece to stop fish getting out, but allows you to put heater cables and air lines through the slots?


Available In Amazon as "Perfecto Aquarium Glass Replacement hinges"

05-02-2015, 02:36 PM
Also on ebay under aquarium glass hinge - not too bad a price but always worry about that "aquarium" specialty market up charge. Note many of the ebay listings also had the backstrip.

The Irons
05-03-2015, 11:50 AM
Here's what I did for a planted tank, because I didn't want the dark plastic hinge blocking my lights. I had the two pieces of glass cut to be 1 inch wider than needed, but normal length & just sat the front piece on top of the rear piece. It can just be slid back for feeding etc. As for cable access, I had a small 45 degree cut in one corner of the back piece of glass, which leaves a small corner gap to allow heater cables to go through.

05-04-2015, 06:08 AM
Aqueon Versa-Top Replacement Pieces Aqueon Versa-Top Replacement Pieces The plastic strips and the rubber hinge can both be purchased at: Dr. Foster and Smith

05-04-2015, 06:45 AM
If you are referring to the piece in the middle then it can be made using silicone and fiberglass or plastic window screen. All you do is place masking tape no more then an inch from the end of the two pieces of glass. Overlay enough tape to make it high enough so that you use enough silicone to make it thick enough so it will hold the screen down. After the silicone dryers turn the glass lid over and carefully cut the silicone from one end to the other. It will never leak in that joint.

05-04-2015, 07:06 PM
Thanks for all the awesome ideas everyone! I have been looking around on ebay and kijiji, and some glass suppliers, and watched some really neat youtube videos, and all of your input is really appreciated!

I think the price on ebay etc is still a bit too high for my liking. A peice for one half of a 75gallon tank is $25USD, and I would need four of them, plus shipping and possible duty charges to Canada.....could be alot more than I want to spend. I love the idea of making my own hinges with silicone, or just cutting the glass a bit larger so it overlaps, and cutting a corner of the glass for cables is brilliant! Now I don't need the plastic piece at the back!

Now another related question....is there any advantage/disadvantage to using hinged glass tops versus sliding ones? I've always had sliding ones, so they stay out of the way when doing water changes, and I have never used hinged ones - how long would the hinges last before they crack?

Sorry about all the questions and the late reply, but I'm swamped right now with building another stand to hold 2 x 75 gallon tanks (or maybe a 75 and a 90), and my one pair of altum flora turqs just keeps on breeding - they're sitting on another 60+ wigglers as I type this, and I'm running out of tanks fast!

05-05-2015, 04:24 AM
I have hinged...and I like it a lot, however, after 2 years or so, the hinge on mine split down the middle. But as I mentioned in my above post....you can buy the replacement hinges, and the back strips, at Dr. Foster and Smith. Good luck....Krus

05-05-2015, 01:39 PM
I tried these, easy to make and cheap on the pocket book as well.


05-05-2015, 06:55 PM
I made a set sliders like the one from the previous poster. Easy to do. Lowes will cut the glass for free and you can get the molding piece over by the plastic slick board paneling section.

05-10-2015, 07:18 PM
Go to Lowes and get Tile Board Moulding.

05-11-2015, 05:13 PM
Got the moulding for $3.60 per 8 foot section at Home Depot. Since I like to experiment, I'm going to try one tank with hinged lids and one tank with the sliders. I'm going to cover all of my smaller grow-out tanks using the sliders, and instead of sourcing the plastic back pieces I'm going to use a wet saw (for tiles/glass) to cut small grooves into the back of the glass which should be enough to pass airline tubing and power cords through.

First things first, I need to start construction on my wooden stand....I'll post some pics when it's all done and set up. Thanks again for everyone's input and help.