View Full Version : Question regarding CO2

04-30-2015, 06:00 PM
I have a 75 gallon community tank that I've been setting up slowly for the last 5 weeks. It's planted with 6 Amazon swords and 2 anubias congensis growing around my driftwood. I've had the fluval CO2 88 going for 3 weeks with the bubble counter at around 1 bubble every 3 seconds. Plants have not melted and look great but I'm getting ready to add my 6x 5" discus and am wondering how to alternate my CO2 regime as to not cause them any distress. I'm running 2 double sponge filters and 2 jager heaters, no air stone atm but I way planning to add one centred in the tank. Should my CO2 be turned off during the day? Swapped with air stone?

Sorry for the load of questions, I'm a complete CO2 virgin, just taking it slow and making sure the tank is ready for my lovelies. I appreciate your time!

04-30-2015, 06:22 PM
CO2 shouldnt bother the fish in the slightest as long as its at or under the 30ppm threshhold. It alters pH but nothing else related to the water chemistry, when people turn it off for the night, pH in planted tanks usually spikes.

make sure you get a drop checker AT LEAST if you are going with any form of pressurized CO2 so you can actually adjust it properly

and finally, CO2 only has benefits when used during the day with the tank lights on as thats when the plants take it in. At the moment, the CO2 you are currently using seems very far from the maximum, if it helps the plants, great!

air driven filters and CO2 dont mix however... you are outgassing the CO2 about as fast as it goes in like that.

04-30-2015, 06:53 PM
Ok, thanx for the post! I was hoping to only be using the CO2 on my Discus tank until the plants were well established and were well rooted. I don't like the idea of PH spiking up and down each day due to turning the CO2 on and off tho. I don't plan on buying a refill so as long as its not doing any harm and the plants seem healthy i should be fine to add my discus?

04-30-2015, 08:36 PM
yes you should be fine

05-01-2015, 05:15 PM
Ok, thanx for the post! I was hoping to only be using the CO2 on my Discus tank until the plants were well established and were well rooted. I don't like the idea of PH spiking up and down each day due to turning the CO2 on and off tho. I don't plan on buying a refill so as long as its not doing any harm and the plants seem healthy i should be fine to add my discus?

It depends on what you mean by spiking up and down all day. Generally, a well balanced planted tank should not vary more than 0.4-0.6 units in a day. As kris2341 mentioned, you would only be using the CO2 during the day (light) hours when the plants are photosynthesizing. CO2 is very important in well established planted tanks. If you "establish" the tank with CO2, then decrease/eliminate it, your plants most likely will start to "melt." In general, the animals in your tank do not supply sufficient amounts of CO2 to keep a well planted tank healthy. Check out the "Planted Tank Forum" to give you a better idea what's involved.