View Full Version : Two new discus

05-01-2015, 08:50 AM
Picked these two 3.5inch discus up today, strangely I went in to buy some tiger barbs for one of my community tanks


05-01-2015, 12:24 PM
Awesome pics. Do you have any tips as far as lighting or where to position the camera or anything to take pics like that? I have a nice slr but can't get my pics to look like yours lol

05-01-2015, 09:56 PM
Awesome pics. Do you have any tips as far as lighting or where to position the camera or anything to take pics like that? I have a nice slr but can't get my pics to look like yours lol

Thanks for the compliment, actually I only just got the camera Nikon D5500, and I set in on manual shutter 1/100 aperture F5.6 and zoomed to 55mm, on these I did not use any flash just tank light and auto ISO, but I would visit the photo section on the forum as there are photographers with a lot more knowledge than me, and will help get you on the right path