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View Full Version : Discus growth size????

05-05-2015, 09:16 AM
It's normal for group of discuses said 6-8 stay in 120g purchase all same size 2.5-3.0" after 3months some get bigger and some stay at the same size almost did not growth?

05-05-2015, 12:11 PM
What's your feeding and water change regimen? Any tank mates? Decor?

05-05-2015, 01:01 PM
It's normal for group of discuses said 6-8 stay in 120g purchase all same size 2.5-3.0" after 3months some get bigger and some stay at the same size almost did not growth?

yes I have 7 that I got at 1" size in Dec.... now one is about 2", one is about 2.5", one about 3", one about 4" and and 3 are around 5"

05-05-2015, 01:01 PM
What's your feeding and water change regimen? Any tank mates? Decor?
I would say depends where you get the stock from + what Phillydubs said above.
With my recent group I had them 5 mths or so and I'm already between 4" - 5" mark (the smallest is 4" and the biggest is 5" out of a group of 8).
I do 2 day WC and feed BH mix + some other stuff (FDBW, FDBW, tetra bits). Mind you I do slack sometimes on the WC and they can go up to 4 days without a change, but I don't try to make that a habit.

05-06-2015, 10:43 AM
yes.. thats what happens when yo buy small/young fish.. there will always be bigger ones..and smaller ones.. and middle ones.. you can't stop it..

buying adult fish is better on this topic.. you are paying for what you get..

if the breeder had keep those fish instead of selling.. them.. chances the slow growers would be culled. but it takes time and money.. to raise discus from baby to young adult..

05-06-2015, 03:53 PM
Raising Discus in a high density will keep the size more balance. See the commerical breeders in Asia, Discus are pack in like sardine.
