View Full Version : 120 gallon or 150tall?

05-09-2015, 06:50 PM
I have room for a 24x48" tank, which would be for 5-6" fish. Is the general opinion shallower or taller for discus?

Also a huge thank you to all who post such excellent advice. With your help my first ever discus are growing rapidly and are getting more comfortable around my wife and I in their bare bottomed tank with daily water changes. They are LFS fish but have been so much fun raising that I can't wait to start cycling a bigger tank for some of Kenny's fish some day ��

Ken from Lewiston Idaho

05-10-2015, 08:42 PM
I am going to assume that either would work better than the 40B I am raising the juvies in now and will let the quotes answer the question ��

Unless someone has sage advice like adult discus need more than 24" of vertical space!

05-11-2015, 02:08 AM
i like length so i can see them travel across the tank. but bigger is better for stability of the water.

if u r worried about empty space, perhaps u could place vertical branches in the 150g to encourage them to utilize the full height of the tank ?

i have a 180g and the discus use all the space, if i had gone with a 210g i still think they'd use all the space but my exp is only with 180.

one thing i like about having a longer, shorter tank is that i can reach inside it easily. im always on the step stool for the 210 so i really like being able to muck around in the 180 without the stool. and for how often im elbow-deep in the discus tank, that is a BIG bonus for ease of maintenance.

Second Hand Pat
05-11-2015, 08:01 AM
I am going to echo Kyla on the 24 inch height of the 120. You will find the 24 inch height way easier to maintain and clean etc.

05-11-2015, 08:19 AM
Thank you both very much for your feedback! I will certainly take both of your advice to heart.
