View Full Version : Eggs won't stick

05-22-2015, 02:32 PM
I have a female that has spawned 4 times. Yesterday was the 4th time. The first 3 spawns were pretty much normal but yesterday I noticed none of her eggs would adhere to the cone.
After she was done, there were only about 10 eggs on the cone and about 200 on the bottom of the tank. The male was making normal passes and did not seem to be knocking them off.
Has anyone else seen this? What causes it?

I will mention that she has not been eating well for the past 2 weeks. I wondered if it is a reflection of her overall health not being up to snuff.
She still acts ok otherwise and still wants to spawn.

William Palumbo
05-22-2015, 05:49 PM
I have had that happen in the past a few times before, and. Actually a few weeks back. Not sure why either, but all parameters were the same as before. Her very next spawn no problems sticking. Guess it just happens. I would be worried if it was more frequent...Bill

Altum Nut
05-22-2015, 06:42 PM
At times slim builds up on cone so I try and clean it after every spawn. However seeing that you indicated her not eating for a couple of weeks may have a factor in producing the vitamin deficiency that gives the sticky substance on eggs.
As Bill mentioned, give her a couple of more opportunities and see if it changes.


05-22-2015, 08:11 PM
The not eating is probably the key. Any other signs of illness?


05-23-2015, 06:54 AM
Hey John, glad you saw this.

No she doesn't look or act sick. The male with her is eating and acting fine. She is the little snake skin I bought from you last month. She was eating fine for the first couple of weeks and spawning normally. I even got a few wigglers the 3rd time they spawned. Then I moved her and her mate from a 20 to a 29 gallon tank 2 weeks ago and she must have got pissed off or something because I haven't really seen her eat since.

Like Bill and Ralph said, I guess I'll just keep food in front of her and give her time to come around.

05-23-2015, 07:37 PM
Ok let me know how it goes.


DC Discus
05-24-2015, 11:36 AM
Just a reminder reproduction in fish is very energetically costly and your female might not be taking good care of herself. Basically eating, but not enough to sustain multiple spawns in a row. It's also common for females to stop eating when spawning, which compounds the problem.

Good luck!