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View Full Version : Discus tail standing after fenbendazole treatment.

05-23-2015, 09:34 AM
One of my Discus is tail standing after the second day of fenbendazole treatment.

The fenbendazole was mixed into a cocktail with focus, thawed frozen blood worms and garlic.

Rest of the Discus appear fine but I've stopped all medical treatment in the tank.

If it makes a different I was treating the tank with furan-2 at the same time in the water.

The discus has been tail standing for about 3 days now. It still chases other fish and goes for food on the surface. It seems when being chased it will swim upright for short spurts but at any kind of rest will tilt tail down and face up.

Did the medication cause a side effect or I hope not organ failure?

Anything I can do to solve this guy? He was my first Discus so am a bit attached.


Second Hand Pat
05-24-2015, 07:23 AM
I can not comment on using fenbendazole as I have never used it. I would suggest two things; one is is research a medication prior to use and second is research if it can be used in conjunction with another medications (furan 2).

If I was in your situation I would most like stop the meds and do large daily WCs to help flush the meds from the fish's system. This is not always the best approach and can make a disease event worst. Also when introducing a new medication I try a half dose first to see how the fish tolerate it. I will add the other half dose later the same day if all goes well with the first half dose. If you haven't already, get a gram scale. It will make measuring dosage amounts way easier and exact.