View Full Version : Is my Discus Stunted?

05-27-2015, 01:51 AM
http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k250/Saber_90/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2015-05-26-19-05-25_zpswofwhgwq.png (http://s90.photobucket.com/user/Saber_90/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2015-05-26-19-05-25_zpswofwhgwq.png.html)

http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k250/Saber_90/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2015-05-26-19-05-11_zpsljmsu8wn.png (http://s90.photobucket.com/user/Saber_90/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2015-05-26-19-05-11_zpsljmsu8wn.png.html)

Yes or No? Thanks

05-27-2015, 12:32 PM
Usually the best indication is the proportion of the eye to the rest of the body with stunted fish usually having a much larger eye to body ratio. The idea being that stunted fish's eye's continue to grow while the rest of the body doesn't. This fish doesn't seem to exhibit this, though sometimes fish don't grow very large and the eye to body ratio seems normal.

Do you think the fish is stunted and failing to grow? It appears to be a juvenile that's just starting to develop it coloration.

05-27-2015, 02:42 PM
He hides and stopped eating. Been doing 55% wc daily and treating with general cure.

05-27-2015, 03:37 PM
I was going to say, I am not sure if he is stunted, overall his shape and eye to body ratio look ok for a juvenile. He does look like he is stressed or sick though, his color is very dark and the dark eyes are not a good sign.

05-27-2015, 04:41 PM
He hides and stopped eating. Been doing 55% wc daily and treating with general cure.

Not a good sign and can lead to being stunted. Pls. describe tank and water conditions, gravel or bb tank, water conditions, other tank mates etc. How long have you been doing the 55% water changes? And yes it does appear to be stressed.

General Cure is a shotgun approach and contains a big range of meds and a little bit of everything but I'm not sure if it contains enough of any one thing to be effective.

When they stop eating and water changes aren't doing the trick, I generally treat with Kanamycin Sulfate for internal bacterial infections. You may also want to post in the disease section and try to treat in a separate quarantine tank, 10 gal. works. If you go the Kanamycin route, double the dose for the Seachem product, which is under strength but generally the most common one available at lfs's and online.

05-28-2015, 12:59 AM
-50G Tank BB
Water: 0/0/5-20ppm
Temp: 82-84 f
Filter: Canister 500+ gph, matrix/bioball/ceramic rings, nitrate reducer mechanical filter
Tank Mate: 5 other discus that does well and looks fat n healthy
Was doing 25% dailly wc b4, been doing 55% wc daily almost a week

I think he is growing but not as fast as others and he is not as fat as others.

Does not swim up to front of tank begging for food anymore.

Though his color is developing still, which is one good sign.

I don't have a quarantine tank setup. How do I setup an emergency qt tank?

Can i just get a 10g tank with sponge filter and airstone with my tank water or prime treated tap water?

05-28-2015, 10:28 AM
Yes, you can set up a 10g quarantine tank this way.

Again, could be an internal infection.

Second Hand Pat
05-28-2015, 12:12 PM
Personally I think a 20g is a better option and more useful as a hospital tank due to larger size.

06-01-2015, 06:31 AM
My opinion stunted Yes.
I like to buy juvenile fish (1-2 inches exclude tail) but I shall not expected every fishes growth or developed at the same size, depend on their genetics, breeder, keeper, food, water quality, their habit(each fish has different habit, discus fish always remind me about bird emotion and sensitive) and finally itself(potential of this fish sometime depend on your luck when you selected it).
w/c daily and qulity food is golden rule (see the sticky post) to avoid the problem at least (if you can followed that rule every day your fish can go to competition) and you'll enjoyed in this hobby. :)


06-02-2015, 10:20 AM
-50G Tank BB
Water: 0/0/5-20ppm
Temp: 82-84 f
Filter: Canister 500+ gph, matrix/bioball/ceramic rings, nitrate reducer mechanical filter
Tank Mate: 5 other discus that does well and looks fat n healthy
Was doing 25% dailly wc b4, been doing 55% wc daily almost a week

I think he is growing but not as fast as others and he is not as fat as others.

Does not swim up to front of tank begging for food anymore.

Though his color is developing still, which is one good sign.

I don't have a quarantine tank setup. How do I setup an emergency qt tank?

Can i just get a 10g tank with sponge filter and airstone with my tank water or prime treated tap water?

Just making an assumption here, hate using that word:), just guessing here with the specs on the water being the usual order(amm, nitrite, and nitrates) 5 - 20 ppm is quite the range, if they've been high for a while that might be the cause of it, jhmo