View Full Version : How to cure a head cold? HELP!!

05-28-2015, 10:16 AM
That time of year, summer flu and headcold season. Have one going thru the house now... my son got put through the paces the last week with it and he generously passed it on to me. Apparently the viral bug you get this time of year is a different one that in the winter. Sure feels the same! Yuck, sore throat, hacking cough, fever and chills, loss of appetite. Just not fun. I hate the foggy feeling you get in the head and the super scratchy throat.

I'm sure everyone has their favorite ways of dealing with this type of cold... Curious what are yours? Have you found the cure to speed this thing up and get over it...God knows I have tried most remedies..both Natural and over the pharmacy counter, have yet to find anything that works for me.

I know the tried and true method is rest and let it run its course...sounds great but that requires something I am short on..Time.:)


Second Hand Pat
05-28-2015, 10:49 AM
Al, other then taking some meds to ease the symptoms no clue on making it go away fast. Lots of rest, fluids and a bit of orange juice. No magic pill. :(

05-28-2015, 11:11 AM
Lets see ,
I have tried cups of soup... The salt does act as an expectorant...temporary relief at best
Honey... both in tea and straight up....most promising., soothes the throat, reduces the cough, has enzymes that breakdown mucous...good stuff...Winny the Pooh was onto something.
Echinacea.... the stuff growing in my yard isn't doing anything..
Niquil... hate that stuff, over rated. I was tempted to try it last night though,was miserable.
Advil and pseudofed... godsend.
Cough drops...marginally effective.

At this point I'm leaning on Advil +pseudofed+ and honey as the magic combo. Sleep would be nice, but it just ain't happening.


05-28-2015, 11:19 AM
Neil Med sinus rinse kit ($15.00)... blast that stuff out of your brain bucket with a saline solution. It will help flush the pollens and dust that are in your sinuses and give some lubrication to the walls of the sinuses so the snot doesn't stick :)

Best $15.00 I spend every few months.

05-28-2015, 11:29 AM
My wife swears by the netty pot, but it grosses me out . . .

05-28-2015, 11:30 AM
My wife swears by the netty pot, but it grosses me out . . .
Neil Med sinus rinse is similar but you have pressurized liquid going up your schnoz.

05-28-2015, 12:14 PM
Some good Sake and sleep it off, lol
Hope you feel better soon

05-28-2015, 12:42 PM
Some good Sake and sleep it off, lol
Hope you feel better soon

Sounds like something to try! some warm sake may just help! Thanks !

05-28-2015, 12:45 PM
My wife swears by the netty pot, but it grosses me out . . .

me too.:vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit:

but when I was a kid, my mom used to take a coffee can and put some boiling hot water into it, then a table spoon of Vics vapor rub... and I would have to sit them with my face over that can for a while.. It did clear things out. And of course the vapor rub was spread on my chest.


05-28-2015, 05:39 PM
Like pat said, FLUIDS aka (water changes) LOL.

In this country we gt Med Lemon works like a charm for me.lots of sleep too

05-28-2015, 07:25 PM
Some good Sake and sleep it off, lol
Hope you feel better soon

huh, of all people, I'd think YOU'D have the magic bullet. In this case, (both Al's) you are looking for some strong Tequila to help you forget that you are sick ;-)

I know this doesn't help matters, but you brining this up made me think of a video I just saw on YT a week ago. Great little YT channel:


05-29-2015, 12:35 AM
if you have back congestion I use the 24 hr guaifenesin 600 or 1200 mg depending how bad, and Tylenol for the fever. I have heard letting the fever run its course helps speed up getting rid of it because your body builds up the stuff to fight it. of course ibuprofen If the aches and pains are bad