View Full Version : ID Please

05-30-2015, 12:13 PM
When I bought this little guys 2 months ago about an inch small, they are in a 60 gal. tank about a hundred or so in numbers. I asked my LFS guy for the strain and was told that the tank has a mixtures of MR,PB,Rafflesia and some solid blue colors. Being about an inch big back then and colors nor patterns are not pronounce yet.. I just used my best judgement and handpicked these little beauties. Now I'm confused on what strain I got. I thought I had solid colors all alone but I'm seeing white spots on them.
Can anyone from the Gurus help identifying this beauties?
Feed backs will be highly appreciated.
they are now between 2.5- 3 inch big.

Thanks and God bless,
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150529_180951_zpsjigtuf3o.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150529_180951_zpsjigtuf3o.jpg.html)
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150529_180956_zpsrda8esg9.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150529_180956_zpsrda8esg9.jpg.html)
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/1432999771454_zpsygguk7re.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/1432999771454_zpsygguk7re.jpg.html)

05-30-2015, 01:02 PM
If the LFS owner said that they were a mix and that there were some Rafflesia in the tank, then I'd guess that these guys are Rafflesia. The Marlboro will be nearly patternless, but with some white markings on its head, no spots.

It's really hard to tell for sure when they are so young. If they keep getting darker orange to red, then yup, rafflesia.

05-30-2015, 03:27 PM
If the LFS owner said that they were a mix and that there were some Rafflesia in the tank, then I'd guess that these guys are Rafflesia. The Marlboro will be nearly patternless, but with some white markings on its head, no spots.

It's really hard to tell for sure when they are so young. If they keep getting darker orange to red, then yup, rafflesia.

Thank you so much Toni :) much appreciated. I bought 5 babies and was counting on at least 2 rafflesia, 2 MR and 1 solid but 4 came out the same and one I still need to find out what strain. Can't see much pattern yet because it's the smallest of the bunch but patterns starting to show and on the blue side. wait and see from here. Thanks again.

05-30-2015, 04:20 PM
Pigeon SS

05-30-2015, 04:42 PM
Pigeon SS

as in snake skin?? isn't it supposed to be striated and not spotted?? now
i'm more confused. Whaaaaaa....:crazy::confused::waaa:

06-01-2015, 12:22 PM
Regardless of what they guy at the store said, these are some very nice looking Pigeon Bloods. Keep up the good work, looks like they have some real potential to be well proportioned, beautiful fish. :thumbsup:

06-01-2015, 04:49 PM
Regardless of what they guy at the store said, these are some very nice looking Pigeon Bloods. Keep up the good work, looks like they have some real potential to be well proportioned, beautiful fish. :thumbsup:

Coming from you means a lot man. Thank you so much.
Bought them $10 each��

06-02-2015, 11:39 AM
$10! Good deal!

06-02-2015, 10:40 PM
$10! Good deal!

All of my grow out were bought for $10 each but don't forget that they were about 1.5 inch small when I got them. Still good considering they are growing to be a good quality discus.:bandana:

06-03-2015, 10:21 AM
Very nice! I normally prefer to buy fish as grow outs for many reasons. One is the sense of satisfaction watching them grow into adults. The other is also cost.

06-08-2015, 04:48 PM
Very nice! I normally prefer to buy fish as grow outs for many reasons. One is the sense of satisfaction watching them grow into adults. The other is also cost.

Same here man....same here :bandana:
The most expensive ones that I bought were the 2 marlboros (a red and a yellow) 3.5" - 4" inch.
for $40 each.
Will post pictures of them soon. Bought them about 2 weeks ago and they're in my QT right now.

06-12-2015, 11:50 AM
One more ID please gurus of the forum...Red Snake skin?? Am I right?
This guy is about 4.5 from 1.5 inch last December. Noticed it's Ventral fins still short but growing.
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150611_221347_zpsnxnbdq44.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150611_221347_zpsnxnbdq44.jpg.html)

06-12-2015, 09:25 PM
That is some great pattern on that fish, whatever it is! Sry, I don't particularly like the guessing game, lol.

06-12-2015, 09:46 PM
That is some great pattern on that fish, whatever it is! Sorry, I don't particularly like the guessing game, lol.

Base on it's stress bar which is 13 only means to say it's a SS, what type of SS is what I ask the gurus of the forum to ID. I'm not familiar with the strain either. Still a lot to learn. I'm just happy being able to raise them with no major issues for 6 moths now.

06-13-2015, 04:33 PM
I have no idea but I'm no guru either.but those are some excellent looking discus sir.you are doing an amazing job on them

06-13-2015, 06:05 PM
I have no idea but I'm no guru either.but those are some excellent looking discus sir.you are doing an amazing job on them

Thanks Quintin :) I'm very much satisfied with the way these beauties came out. the mere fact that I did not encounter serious problem with them since the start ( Dec. 6 of last year) is an achievement enough for me. Loved seeing them grow.

06-30-2015, 05:12 PM
Selfie time :)

2nd batch of grow-out ( 3 months old) bought March 26
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150630_053643_zps4wbngsbt.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150630_053643_zps4wbngsbt.jpg.html)
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150630_053624_zpsh0xqmfzb.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150630_053624_zpsh0xqmfzb.jpg.html)

1st batch of grow-out ( 7 months) bought Dec. 6
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150630_053753_zps3zk4vdsb.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150630_053753_zps3zk4vdsb.jpg.html)