View Full Version : More fish more addicting

06-01-2015, 09:02 PM
Hi everybody, it's been 2 months since i started this hobby and it's been a pleasure for me (costly too ). I started with 5 discus fish and ended up with only 4 after 2 months. Today i just added 2 more for my tank and i think they are very beautiful. i just love them at first sight ;) What do you guy think ?



He is welcomed warmly by my PB and ready to get pecked :p

06-02-2015, 09:57 AM
Did you QT? Looks like you just added them in...How big is your tank?

06-02-2015, 11:20 AM
Did you QT? Looks like you just added them in...How big is your tank?

These are the right questions. Quarantine is a must. While some don't add any meds. re protozoans or parasites I do. In any event QT should be observed, otherwise you're asking for, and going to get, trouble in the form of sick fish.

...and yes Discus keeping is addictive and there's no 12 Step Group for it!

06-02-2015, 12:19 PM
I don't have a QT tank... and my tank is 50 gallon. Hopefully everything will be ok. They already started to eat after few hours in the tank.