View Full Version : Discus with shrunken stomach

06-02-2015, 07:17 PM
Hey guys I just introduced 4 discus into my 55 gallon heavily planted tank. It's an Amazon biotope setup specifically for discus so the specs are accordingly. The runt of the group ended up getting bullied and hasn't eaten since I got him. He's been black the whole time as well since the rest of the group chases him around all the time. My question is, is it an option for me to put the guy temporarily into my 30 gallon planted tank until he gets big enough to go back in the other tank? Currently that tank has a few glowlight tetras and 2 juvenile angelfish. If I happen to lose this fish, is it an option for me to add 1 or 2 more discus to the existing 3 thatre around the same size? Please let me know if there's anything else you guys think I can do.

Thanks for your time and patience with me everyone!

06-03-2015, 10:27 AM
It's a better option than letting him be bullied to death which is also unpleasant to watch over an extended period of time. But remember, the aggression will probably be displayed on the next lower fish in the pecking order.

Having a group of 5 or 6 to disperse the aggression is usually a better idea. With groups of 2-3, or 4 one is usually bullied to the point of being overly stressed and unhealthy.