View Full Version : Behavior After Spawning

06-04-2015, 05:42 AM
Ok, I have two breeding pairs each in their own 20 gallon tank. One pair were contentedly allowed the fry to feed off their flanks, then suddenly, the male began to bicker with the female, keeping her in the back of the tank while he rears the fry himself. My other pair's eggs were partially fungus-ed though some wigglers were appearing, they subsequently ate their eggs and now they seem to be sulking in the back of the tank. Are these two different scenarios normal? Should I be concerned?

06-04-2015, 06:58 AM
Yes wacky senarios are normal, i have a male that's a great father and female that is a fry assassin. She waits until they are free swimming and eats them one by one.
I removed her and let daddy raised them.

06-04-2015, 07:12 AM
I need to be damn Discus psychologist to figure these guys out.

06-04-2015, 08:21 AM
Yes normal but I hate the word sulking....They are animals with brains the size pencil eraser. They have instincts that we like but lets not confuse that with IQ.


06-04-2015, 01:56 PM
I think you may be being a bit generous with their brain size them John, however, I agree.

06-12-2015, 07:43 PM
Yes normal but I hate the word sulking....They are animals with brains the size pencil eraser. They have instincts that we like but lets not confuse that with IQ.


Me and my wife had the same discussion a week ago, over our hard city water, we lost a spawn, the female was certainly "sulking", I would be so brave to suggest; they had an emotion(s) of sadness, it lasted for about six days (till the next spawn), however with animals with brains the thickness of a piece of paper you have to wonder if they feel emotions at all or is that how they experience there instinct(s).

Keith Perkins
06-12-2015, 07:57 PM
Yes normal but I hate the word sulking....They are animals with brains the size pencil eraser. They have instincts that we like but lets not confuse that with IQ.


Yea Bill, don't upset John. You don't want to be responsible for him sulking at the back of the forum.