View Full Version : Need help to prepare breeding tank environment

Md. Shafiqual Alam
07-07-2015, 04:13 AM
Recently, I have identified two successfully discus pair from my collection. They were reserving some spaces and often trying to clean a vertical pipe. So two days ago I have shifted them into my old white tank (L36in x W24in x H24in) and separate two pair using a blue colored glass (non-transparent) temp divider but water flows in between the chamber (fish can't). one sponge filter has been used for each portion and one top filter for common. Two heater has been placed horizontally at two side with temperature 30c. My room temp is usually around 26~27c. Everyday I do at least 50% wc (new water with 26~27c). My tap water ph is 7~7.5 stable and TDS is 230~250ppm.

These pair have been grown up since last 1.5yr through this water quality. So my question, is this Temp, PH & TDS right for breeding ? or I need to tune ? if yes, then what and how to do that. Please help.

This is my first time and no one around me having breeding experience. Looking for your guideline to move forward.

Take Care.

Thank you.

07-09-2015, 06:16 AM
I would lower the temp to 28, and the TDS is a bit high for most pairs. (under 100 ppm is better, 50 ppm is even better, some pairs are quite fussy, others couldn't care less.) Wait until they spawn and if the eggs hatch, great. If not, then you may have to invest in a reverse osmosis water filter to alter the TDS of your tap water. PH should be fine, slightly high, but this won't worry most pairs.

Md. Shafiqual Alam
07-14-2015, 12:48 AM
I would lower the temp to 28, and the TDS is a bit high for most pairs. (under 100 ppm is better, 50 ppm is even better, some pairs are quite fussy, others couldn't care less.) Wait until they spawn and if the eggs hatch, great. If not, then you may have to invest in a reverse osmosis water filter to alter the TDS of your tap water. PH should be fine, slightly high, but this won't worry most pairs.

Thank you.