View Full Version : Grapevine driftwood

07-10-2015, 01:43 PM
Hello everyone tried to post yesterday don't know what happened, anyway just harvested some more driftwood and i have l lot of extra pieces if anyone is interested let me me know, grapevine driftwood has a lot of character would look great in a discus tank. I will be useing it im my barebottom biotope im putting together wondet eho else out there is useing grapevine driftwood? Let us know and maybe share some pics. Ill post some of my pieces. 88317883188831988320 those are just some of the pieces.

07-11-2015, 12:42 PM
I have the actual root in one of my tanks.They are much bigger at 3-5" think and quite gnarly(bumpy and twisted).

Altum Nut
07-11-2015, 05:36 PM
I have no experience with how it holds up under water or if it leaches out.
I think if you boil it in pressure vats you may get moon-shine. lol I refer to it as Grappa...
Would check first if it's safe because vines you posted look fairly fresh and how would no weight it down.


07-11-2015, 07:52 PM
There is some others on SimplyDiscus that are useing it thats how i found out i could use it its on another thread on grapevine driftwood "google it" but some of my pieces have been deaf for years others like you said are fairly recently cut, have some in soaking for over a month. Went ouy and bought my textured paint for bottom of the tank, and Lord willing should be able to move on to next phase of my barebottom biotope - Lighthouse

07-13-2015, 10:42 AM
is this "driftwood" you got.. from the water.. or just some dead trees on land?

07-13-2015, 01:16 PM
Ya this wood was found on land, most been dead for years