View Full Version : Need some input from BIG tank owners

07-24-2015, 04:38 PM
I am ready to put water in the 240 and am having second thoughts - are discus really right for me? :jester: just kidding.

My hesitation is with the base layer between my tank and steel stand. I will post some images to help understand what I am talking about.

This is super dense 3/4" floor-mat for the weightlifting area of a gym. It was free as the previous owners were muscle heads I guess... not me, so decided to re-purpose it.

here is a wide shot

and here is the tank on the stand

My concern is this might do more harm than good. I have seen where other large 200 + gallon aquariums use this type of padding (not as thick) to compensate for any variances in a level plane between the stand and the tank - thus eliminating potential stress points on the tank seams, etc.

What are your thoughts? would I be better off just eliminating this layer and setting it straight on top of the 3/4" plywood sitting on top of the steel stand?

07-24-2015, 06:31 PM
I don't own anything that size, so grain of salt response. It would probably be fine IMO. However foam (or other materials) shouldn't be used to compensate for an un-level stand, always make sure it's level then use the foam or whatever material to alleviate possible point loads that could break the bottom panel, or split seams. I use a dense neoprene myself on all of my tanks but originally for my large 100gal rimless. Though looking back I wish I had gone for something a bit more rigid or at least thicker neoprene as it gets to compressed after all of the weight on top of it. It doesn't soak up water but I guess it could compared to other materials. Hasn't failed me yet though in what...almost 5 years now.

If the tank has a rim on it, which it looks like it might but the photos are quite small, you would probably be fine without anything assuming the welds on the steel stand were ground down and it's level. And the plywood isn't all bowed. If it has a rim I'd set it straight on plywood. As a padding though If its rigid and closed cell material it should work.

07-24-2015, 09:05 PM

This is an important question, and if it were me, I would make certain of what I were doing before putting water in it. The total weight of the tank and contents are going to exceed 2000 pounds.

A key question is what happens to the material (floor-mat or plywood) when it gets wet. For sure the plywood is going to swell. Perhaps the floor mat will loose some of its resiliency. Also, what happens when just some portions of it get wet.

Perhaps it would be better to place it directly on the metal stand. You could could possibly use a feeler gauge to determine the high and low spots on the metal frame when the tank is on the stand, and then use a hand held grinder to shave off the high spots. This would require careful work to get it right. If a feeler gauge wont work in your application, Perhaps some sort of material could be used to mark the high points.

Its also important to assure that the legs are all touching the floor evenly.

Sure looks like a big beautiful tank, good luck with your project.
