View Full Version : My last question about Driftwood

08-07-2015, 11:38 AM
Ok everyone,

I know I know, I shouldn't ask this again but I've searched and came up with nothing specific on the topic so I'm going to ask again.

I have driftwood that I used in other discus tanks. Now the discus previously in comparison to my present stock would be considered sketchy. They weren't sick but they were never as healthy as the ones I have now.

I since gotten rid of my old stock and changed my setup and everything is clean and nice, not one issue (knock on wood...), except I have all this nice DW that I can't sell so I want to use it in my new tanks. Some of the DW was soaked in hot water then dried and is sitting in a bucket, some have not seen water in about 2 yrs and I have 1 that has some anubias on it that I never treated but is in a 20 gal with no heater.

Question 1, would the planted DW hold any disease seeing that it was never really treated and if so how to make sure that I killed everything on it?
Question 2, would the treated DW still be holding anything seeing that I treated it and left it to dry?
Question 3, would I have to do anything special to the DW (besides hot water dip) for the ones that wasn't in water for 2 yrs?

Thanks in advance

08-07-2015, 12:48 PM
IMO "hot" water is not enough. Boiling water is. Get a tote big enough to hold your dw and put it next to the stove. Get 4 large pans and set them on high.
As each one comes to boil, start pouring. If some are too high to be covered when full, pour it over that part first on the way in. Between loads, cover with a beach towel
to hold in the steam. For the anubias, I have no anwser except remove them and boil that piece as well.

08-07-2015, 01:25 PM
I have done this and i have had no problems....

Use a bleach dip then rinse well and use double the amount of "prime" or let it dry in the sun. I use sinking drift wood so letting it dry is not any problem for me as it will sink again. if you're worried it won't then do not let it dry. I started doing this to rid myself of some very nasty algae I have not killed or stressed any discus or any other fish doing this.