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View Full Version : Perseids meteor shower

08-13-2015, 06:46 PM
Anyone else watch and enjoy it? If I saw what I saw in light polluted Columbia SC from the front yard then I am extremely jealous of you all with dark skies. Must have been an AWESOME show because mine was. My intent was to be able to post photos today of meteors I captured as I stood outside from 2-4am last night. Unfortunately, none showed up on the photos.....not a single one. Not sure if they weren't bright enough or there was to much light in the sky, maybe they didn't burn long enough. All I know is I got nothing. Pretty disappointed. Needless to say I saw way more with my eyes than my camera shows. Next year, 100% I will be traveling somewhere for an event like this. Somewhere darker. Anyone have some land under dark skies I can camp on? ;) haha but really...

Here is one I did get. Got a lot of photos like this....just a general star field. Might edit a few more and see what I can get but generally this is it. Stars aren't quite as focused as I'd like. This is the Milky way tail to be exact, I call it the crappy side of the Milky Way as it's not the side looking into the center with the big gas pockets and stuff. Though it's hard to tell that in the photo either way. Anyway thought I'd share it, anyone else go out and see the meteors? Get any pictures?


08-15-2015, 01:27 PM
very nice composition.

08-15-2015, 09:16 PM
Isn't one of the darkest places in the US somewhere in Pennsylvania?
Nice shot. How long was this exposure?

08-15-2015, 09:56 PM
Thanks. It's actually 2 stacked shots, one to show a bit of light on the trees so its not just a shadow and the other of just the sky as shot. I'd have to go back and check but I want to say it was 45secs - 1min exposure. Used my sky tracker to avoid trailing, or minimize it.