View Full Version : forbidden discus love

08-13-2015, 09:09 PM
i feel like a monster for denying their love

http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm182/kylasfish/Mobile%20Uploads/0959A9C8-BB62-4CDA-84AB-A984A8106C7F_zpssiofyluq.jpg (http://s296.photobucket.com/user/kylasfish/media/Mobile%20Uploads/0959A9C8-BB62-4CDA-84AB-A984A8106C7F_zpssiofyluq.jpg.html)

08-13-2015, 09:11 PM
LOL, I hear ya!

I have a golden sunshine male who is deeply involved with a red cover. So not appropriate and no way I'm gonna let them have wee babies to raise, but they sure do make a cute couple.

08-13-2015, 09:13 PM
You won't be denying them their love just their children and it's not you it will be the other discus in the tank so it's not your fault. Rufus

08-13-2015, 09:41 PM
lol they are such an odd couple. i adopted them from a lady i met online. the large cobalt had lived alone for many years with no discus friends :( we were doing a group order and convinced her to jump in and get another discus (with the hope she would keep adding to her group). she picked up this little yellow pigeon and the two paired right away. shortly after that she offered them to me and i had room so i brought them into my 180g thinking the cobalt would be delighted to finally have a nice big family!

i didnt anticipate the cobalt's aggression. he owns 4feet of the tank. i have other breeding discus in the tank but their aggression is much lower, and their territory is much smaller (12 inches), allowing other discus to cruise around unmolested. in fact im currently watching 3 males fertilize one female's eggs on the other side of the tank... no murderous jealousy from those discus...

perhaps it has something to do with him being raised without companions, like an antisocial dog? this cobalt will travel the entire length of the tank to slam discus who come into the open area. he's a good dad, but a bad neighbour.

i have a 65g i could move him to temporarily, to allow the yellow pigeon to pair with someone else. oh the humanity! then i could move him back and hope his behaviour is toned down a bit... or i could move the pair to the 65g to live the rest of their lives in love. i doubt any babies could survive with the canister filter going. or i could throw a plexiglass divider in the main tank to open up more territory for the other discus. or i could just leave it as it is... but my gut is tellin me it's time for an adjustment. just sittin here wondering what to do with them. silly discus, cant they all just get along?

08-14-2015, 03:55 PM
"silly discus, cant they all just get along?" Reminds me of people.