View Full Version : i think some of my Discus want to be stunted

Jack L
08-18-2015, 10:46 PM
Title was not meant to be a wind up, but more in gest.
We have 3 strains, all about same age size at beginning, but the blue diamonds are pigs. The other two types are more timid, get pushed off food by blues, and when they aren’t being pushed off, are more finicky about what they eat.
i.e. the auto feeder does a midday feeding of new life and some hikari sinking, the only ones that care are the blues. And they look thicker, have a more discus shape too.
IN FACT, the SMALLEST by far was a tiny blue, ½ the size off all the rest, it too is a pig and has now past the snakes and turqs in size.
Same tank, same timeframe, same water, same food options, etc.

We do break apart the beef heart to give them all more of a chance, but even so, the blue’s out compete.

But if any of you have any other advice, please share. I’m hoping they eventually round out, but I think the look a little pointy in the face compared to the blue diamonds. They are growing, but just not at the same rate.


08-18-2015, 11:35 PM
Need to see 'em

Jack L
08-19-2015, 12:00 AM

08-19-2015, 01:25 AM
How long have you had them, how big were they when you got them, how big are they now?

If you have ages that helps too. =)

08-19-2015, 09:08 AM
I raised a group together od 4 blue diamonds, 2 turks and 1 snakeskin. The biggest was the SS. Then a BD overtook it and became the biggest. Then one Turk overtook them both and became the biggest. Then the last Turk overtook the SS and the BD but not the first Turk to take second place while the SS came back and overtook the BD.

Things can change without any intervention on your part, clean water and good food.

Jack L
08-19-2015, 09:35 AM
3 months old when received, and we have had then for 2 months.
none were bigger than a quarter
found picture, this was a gallon bag for size reference


Larry Bugg
08-19-2015, 10:08 AM
At 3 months old they should have been between 2 1/2 and 3". They don't look that big in the bag? At 5 months old they should be 4" or so.

08-19-2015, 10:24 AM
a group of juvi fish will never the same growth rates.. some will grow larger.. some not so much.. some will never grow.. thats what happens when you buy small cheaper fish..

adults cost more because of the time takes for the growth.. AND all slow growth fish are culled.. ie, slow growers, deforms and other traits breeder doesn't want in his line..

the positive of buying adult fish.. is you know exactly what fish you are getting.. but with juvi.. you have no idea what you will get as they grow out..

Jack L
08-20-2015, 01:31 PM
okay, thanks

i'll just keep up with water and food and see how it goes

besides saving a lot of cash, it is interesting for kids (and me) to see them change as they grow