View Full Version : My new present.

08-19-2015, 06:25 PM
Hello everyone,
My wife just bought me this yellow Discus as a surprise. She went to LFS while I was a work and was so happy to show me what she bought me. She paid $50 for it and it's less than two inches long. It has a weird shape to it. I was wondering if it is stunted already or is this how they look when they are this young.

08-19-2015, 06:44 PM
Hard to tell from one pic... Is that the only discus you have ? Just the one?

08-19-2015, 07:25 PM
No, I have five more and an angel fish. Two blood pigeons, two blue scorpions, and a red turquoise.

08-19-2015, 07:30 PM

08-20-2015, 03:11 PM
Hard to tell much from the pic. It's posting vertically so the face of the fish is facing, south/downward.

08-20-2015, 03:53 PM
Looks stunted to me, the eye seems abit too large for its body size and only 2 inches?? 0.o
I have a bunch of altums I'm growing out and they are almost 2.5" and the eyes are only ½ that size.

08-20-2015, 03:54 PM
I wouldn't worry about it too much, even a slight stunted Discus is still an awesome beautiful fish!

08-20-2015, 07:13 PM
Yeah thats what I thought when I saw it. The eyes look preety big for its size. Oh well I will feed it like crazy hopefully it doesn't stay to small.

08-20-2015, 07:42 PM
After all, I was a gift. Your other 2 pics look really nice. Just be careful and QT anything new.