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View Full Version : lump on body

08-24-2015, 07:15 PM
I need help guys�� one of my PB developed a lump on the left side of its body near its head. Can you please identify and the best remedy or cure for it. There's 13 discus in the tank and it's the only one who has it. WC 80% daily. All water parameters are okay.
inputs will be highly appreciated.
Thanks and God bless,

http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150824_190058_zps7m9sctbx.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150824_190058_zps7m9sctbx.jpg.html)
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150824_190101_zpsngnfouik.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150824_190101_zpsngnfouik.jpg.html)
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/Mobile%20Uploads/20150824_190107_zpsefza8kz3.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150824_190107_zpsefza8kz3.jpg.html)

08-24-2015, 08:17 PM
I have never seen this before on any of my guys, interested to see what others say, was the Discus in a spar with another Discus and smashed into something?
Is the bump growing???
It doesn't really look like a wound from a scrape or poke.
I would be inclined to poke at it... But I think I would ask here first...lol

08-24-2015, 08:21 PM
I was going to say that looks more like a gash than a bump... Any tank decorations ? Drift wood or something else with a jagged edge? I had one of mine a while back really gash up on something and I qt in a hospital tank with a mix of furan 2 and sea salt and he was good in a week healed nicely. Does this one seem to be eating and acting fine? If so. Prob a flesh wound.

08-24-2015, 08:35 PM
The only thing inside the tank are the 2 exhaust or out take(whichever you want to call it) of the filters. Even my heater is an inline one that's outside the tank. I'm not sure if he had a fight with the others but it sure is getting big. I noticed it about 3 days ago as a small white spot which I thought is a scale (not even sure if discus has scales) but it is growing. The lump is getting bigger.

08-24-2015, 09:51 PM
did this start as just a pimple? if so sometimes the pimples can fall off and the hole they leave behind can become infected. it looks bacterial can you net it and put some antibiotic cream on it, like Neosporin??

08-25-2015, 05:43 AM
I tried epsom salt after a water change last night and it looks like it's peeling off this morning, will net it and put medicine on it this afternoon as soon as I arrived home. Thanks Jacklyn.

Second Hand Pat
08-25-2015, 08:28 AM
Here is how to treat with iodine http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?117106-Treating-topically-%28Iodine-H2O2-etc%29 which is what I would do.

08-25-2015, 08:42 AM
I know you were doing your best to get a good picture, but can you ease up on the zoom and try another pic? The very first picture it appears to be something growing from the inside out (tumor). Can't say for sure though.

08-25-2015, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the input Pat. Will line it up as one of the remedy/solution. I believed I've done this before on one of my goldfish. Tincture of iodine we call it.�� much appreciated.

08-25-2015, 11:24 AM
I know you were doing your best to get a good picture, but can you ease up on the zoom and try another pic? The very first picture it appears to be something growing from the inside out (tumor). Can't say for sure though.

Didn't do any zooming in Ric, just trying to take it as close as possible. It's a little bit hard to do it on a moving subject. Will try it again as soon as arrive home. Thanks a lot.

08-25-2015, 12:31 PM
did this start as just a pimple? if so sometimes the pimples can fall off and the hole they leave behind can become infected. it looks bacterial can you net it and put some antibiotic cream on it, like Neosporin??

If you need to use neosporin make sure it is the Vaseline based not cream based, it will stay in the water much better plus works better if you dry the area before application

08-25-2015, 02:27 PM
If you need to use neosporin make sure it is the Vaseline based not cream based, it will stay in the water much better plus works better if you dry the area before application
Thanks for the input Ivan, much appreciated. Can I use polisporin too?

08-25-2015, 03:43 PM
Thanks for the input Ivan, much appreciated. Can I use polisporin too?

as long as its an ointment, I see no reason not to. It does only has two of the ingredients of Neosporin though. Neomycin sulfate has been used in aquariums for many years with good results if it was me and it came to this I'd want it all in there.

08-25-2015, 07:55 PM
update guys, i just came home from work and find the lump almost doubled it's size and the fish in question is only using it's left fin sparingly, it is often just in it's side maybe the poor guy is in pain. Just did a 100% WC and will net the fish after and apply polysporin on the affected area. will wipe it dry first to see what it is. hoping for the best.

08-25-2015, 08:01 PM
Update again, Just net the said fish and wipe the affected area with cotton bud, seen nothing but a wound that I believed got infected. Applied polysporin ointment in the affected area and put the guy back in the tank. closely monitoring from hereon in.

08-26-2015, 08:19 AM
monching, how does the lump look this morning, do another application of the polysporin as soon as you wake up, and if not better I would remove to hospital tank asap

08-26-2015, 11:00 AM
monching, how does the lump look this morning, do another application of the polysporin as soon as you wake up, and if not better I would remove to hospital tank asap
lump is a little bit better now and smaller than yesterday, redness is gone. Will do a 100% WC as soon as I get back home. If by any chance it shows dramatic improvement tonight when i get home then I will no longer do a 2nd application and just keep my daily WC.
Thank you so much Jacklyn.

08-26-2015, 11:04 AM
I seriously think a treatment should not be interrupted when an improvement is observed. Not to mention we are dealing with antibiotics in the process. Not the best idea in my opinion.

08-26-2015, 11:10 AM
i agree a 2nd application should be applied, even a third if it is helping. you are welcome OP I am rooting for you here.

08-26-2015, 12:07 PM
I seriously think a treatment should not be interrupted when an improvement is observed. Not to mention we are dealing with antibiotics in the process. Not the best idea in my opinion.

agree 100% keep going as you do not want them bugs to become super bugs. I'd go for 3-4 more days or until you see regrowth of the area.

08-26-2015, 08:38 PM
hehehe done with the second application guys after a 100% WC. Said fish is doing good but a little bit stressed, noticed that it is shedding a little slime. In the absence of a stress bar on PB I believe that's the second thing to look for to check if they are stressed. fish is eating good, fins erect, looking healthy and active. hoping this continues. Also refrain from feeding them BH for now and feed just FDBW and Tetra bits to avoid more contaminants.

08-26-2015, 08:45 PM
hehehe done with the second application guys after a 100% WC. Said fish is doing good but a little bit stressed, noticed that it is shedding a little slime. In the absence of a stress bar on PB I believe that's the second thing to look for to check if they are stressed. fish is eating good, fins erect, looking healthy and active. hoping this continues.

I believe with the stress of being taken out of the tank and being medicated this behavior should be expected. Keep up the applications as others have suggested, even if it looks better. Good clean water as well.

08-26-2015, 08:47 PM
I believe with the stress of being taken out of the tank and being medicated this behavior should be expected. Keep up the applications as others have suggested, even if it looks better. Good clean water as well.

100% daily WC Rick:)

08-26-2015, 08:49 PM
100% daily WC Rick:)

You are on the right track then :)

08-26-2015, 08:55 PM
You are on the right track then :)

All because of you guys of the forum or should I say SimplyDiscus in general.

08-27-2015, 09:10 AM
OP Any updates this morning, any pictures of the infected area and fish??

08-29-2015, 09:10 AM
Mourning day for me guys whaaaa:cry::sad: I had an emerency Thursday afternoon as I need to take my wife to the ER and was only able to come home this morning just to find out that my fish dead just beside the heater. It's in a 10 gal. hospital tank and was not able to medicate and monitor it's condition for 2 days. It develop a white fungus like thingy about the size of our pinky finger nail. I thought it's just sleeping 'cause it's still in it's upright position in the bottom and not even floating yet when I arrived. Another sad day after another. On the brighter side of it, let me just tell you what I've been noticing since the beginning of my pet days at the age of five. Everytime someone in my family got sick, one of my pet will get sick too and eventually dies after as if they are taking it away(the sickness) from you and act as the sacrificial lamb/fall guy. It's been like this since I can remember. I have lots of pet back then (dogs, birds, chickens, rabbits and fish)and one will take away that sickness in my family and die. When my wife starts to bleed more than 2 weeks ago (menstrual cycle) one of my bird fell ill and died after 3 days then when the wifes bleeding did not stop after the normal period this fish in question develop this kind of fungus till the time that I need to take my wife to the hospital for proper diagnosis just to come home to this. Anyways happy to tell the wife is now okay after 3 units of blood transfusion to replace lost blood and iron defficiency. She's home now resting. To my beloved fish....thank you very much for the sacrifice.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

08-29-2015, 09:30 AM
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/IMGP9802_zpsshalzdki.jpg (http://s89.photobucket.com/user/monching44/media/IMGP9802_zpsshalzdki.jpg.html)

Goodbye kid.....thanks for everything....

08-29-2015, 09:35 AM
Sorry to hear. That was a nice looking fish.

Second Hand Pat
08-29-2015, 10:18 AM
Sorry to hear but glad the spouse is doing better.

Jack L
08-29-2015, 01:08 PM
test....can i respond to this?

08-29-2015, 01:11 PM
test....can i respond to this?

go ahead

08-29-2015, 01:13 PM
So sorry, glad to hear your wife is doing better. A lot of people don't realize low iron can be very dangerous, my wife has gone thru the same thing, something as simple as too many coffees lowers her iron enough her gums will bleed when brushing her teeth(and no she doesn't have crack teeth...lol... Quite the opposite she has perfect teeth and very healthy gums at a beautiful age of 35). I can just imagine if her cycle started when her iron was super low, she would be at the hospital as well too.
As far as the fish, it seems to be a wound that got infected and spread to the blood stream? (Would this be A correct assumption?)
Rick, Toni what do you think?

08-29-2015, 01:20 PM
So sorry, glad to hear your wife is doing better. A lot of people don't realize low iron can be very dangerous, my wife has gone thru the same thing, something as simple as too many coffees lowers her iron enough her gums will bleed when brushing her teeth(and no she doesn't have crack teeth...lol... Quite the opposite she has perfect teeth and very healthy gum at a beautiful age of 35). I can just imagine if her cycle started when her iron was super low, she would be at the hospital as well too.
As far as the fish, it seems to be a wound that got infected and spread to the blood steam? (Would this be A correct assumption?)
Rick, Toni what do you think?
Thanks Matt and I believed you are right as I can't see/find anything from the wound like tumor or parasite, just a wound that got infected. I withheld feeding BH for now 'cause I cleaned both filters thoroughly to avoid another infection on my main tank until I get them fully cycled again. 100% WC daily instead of 80%, all fish are doing good, no signs of sickness whatsoever.