View Full Version : Mosquito Larvae

08-28-2015, 04:17 AM
I just found mosquito larvae in my 55 gallon juvie tank. My tanks are in the garage and I think i get these when I do water changes at night with the garage door open. They usually get eaten in my other tanks. I was wondering if prazi would kill these? My albino platinum juvies aren't eating them and I don't want mosquitoes to multiply in my garage.


08-28-2015, 06:12 AM
I wouldnt use meds..but prazi wont work. Mosquito Larvae rise up to the top tank to breath...they are easy to remove with net.

They generally are not attracted to running moving water...nor are their larvae able to survive in fishtanks lacking organics and micro organisms.

Doing a full or several large water changes should take care of the problem.
