View Full Version : No nitrates

09-09-2015, 07:22 PM
Did a 50% water change 2 days prior to vacation,gone 9 days,waited 2 more days to do a 50% water change. Prior to change did a Nitrate check and had none,zero,that's 13 days between water changes. I have probably 6 to 8 times the bio need for my tank also a thick pre filter media and several plants in baskets even with a bare bottom tank....also constantly running 9 watt 800 l/h uv filter....9 fish of which only 3 are Discus at 3".... Other fish are smaller fish as 2 koi Angels at 1" bodies. I find it hard to comprehend the need for frequent water changes as I've read about on this forum. Fish had no supervision while on vacation....tanks crystal clear,38gl.Nuvo Tank/// if water perimeters are fine and not breeding any fish why am I needing daily water changes as I started doing after adding Discus to my meager sized tank.?

09-09-2015, 07:57 PM
Jerry, there is an excellent video on youtube that explains why there is more to discus health than low nitrates. Its titled "HOW TO: Keep Discus" by The King of DIY.

09-09-2015, 08:02 PM
Hello Jerry. Do you happen to have the results of your other water parameters?

To say that you are using 6-8 times the bio needs of your tank is a very incorrect statement. Beneficial bacteria will only colonize enough to keep up with the inhabitants of a tank. If you happen to have a lot more media, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will have that much more beneficial bacteria. That isn't the way it works.

Secondly, a 38g tank is a very small tank for a large community of fish, let alone one with 3 discus and koi! Lets set aside the fact that both types of fish require different temps, but have you considered how large the Koi will get? They will outgrow your tank in no time.

There are many fundamental problems going on in this tank, and I think water parameters are just the tip of the iceberg.

Larry Bugg
09-09-2015, 09:12 PM
let alone one with 3 discus and koi! Lets set aside the fact that both types of fish require different temps, but have you considered how large the Koi will get? They will outgrow your tank in no time.

You missed a key work Rick, lol. He said Koi angels, not Koi so no problem with the temp.

I find it very hard to believe the nitrates were zero. Thinking you might want to test your test kit. But never the less, zero nitrates does not mean you water is "clean". You need to search "dissolved organic compounds". If you want your discus to grow out to their potential then you need to be doing the daily water changes. Do a lot of reading in the beginner section here.

Even though you said Koi angels, Rick is right about the size of tank and occupants. Discus are a social fish and need to be in groups of 5 to 6 or more. In smaller groups, aggression is likely to become an issue and cause problems. At the current size of the discus and angels the tank size will be ok but not for long.

09-09-2015, 09:16 PM
Thanks for the reply...I understand that my bio load is regulated by inhabitants and can fluctuate and u only use what's needed but being a novice it made me feel all warm n fuzzy knowing my needs will never out distance my supply if given time to colonize. My koi aren't the big fish u may be thinking of,they are Angels with a color pattern similar to the bigger real Koi.My temp.in my tank is 80 to 82* haven't purchased a heater yet but will....also searching for a larger tank to isolate my Discus in one place and increase they're numbers but am still not sure I want to take on the responsibility of having Discus as my main focus and am reading all I can on them and will watch the video u mentioned and thanks again for the replys

09-09-2015, 09:29 PM
The other day I purchased my 3rd Discus,another pigeon blood but a bit larger than my other which was a bully against my blue diamond....now the larger Pigeon is King Kong against the now smaller pigeon and is in love with my Blue Diamond and seem inseperable...so yes I see ur point about aggression in small #'s

09-09-2015, 09:42 PM
You missed a key work Rick, lol. He said Koi angels, not Koi so no problem with the temp.

I find it very hard to believe the nitrates were zero. Thinking you might want to test your test kit. But never the less, zero nitrates does not mean you water is "clean". You need to search "dissolved organic compounds". If you want your discus to grow out to their potential then you need to be doing the daily water changes. Do a lot of reading in the beginner section here.

Even though you said Koi angels, Rick is right about the size of tank and occupants. Discus are a social fish and need to be in groups of 5 to 6 or more. In smaller groups, aggression is likely to become an issue and cause problems. At the current size of the discus and angels the tank size will be ok but not for long.

wow, that is quite the operative word to miss. My apologies OP. With that out of the way, that is still a small tank, 3 discus only is never good, and you need to get a heater as soon as possible.

09-10-2015, 10:26 AM
Heater is in my cart @Amazon...getting prices on tanks,great prices on used but far away...can have a pristine 180gl.system for $500....also a 120 n 55 loaded incl.RO for $750 inc.many many cichlids...leaning towards a 90 that's new if nothing else shows up...people leave the fish hobby and just want it all gone....

09-10-2015, 11:19 PM
I'd suggest the 75g over the 90g. The extra height really isn't necessary and it typically much cheaper for the former.

09-11-2015, 08:00 PM
Your right about cheaper...bought a Marineland 75gl. W/stand n glass top n led light for $399.,ordered a Sunsun canister w/UV filter,be here Sun...the biggest they have. Stand is junk so added 3/4" plywood and some bracing,waiting for paint to dry...thanks for the tank advice.