View Full Version : Why are the fry back on the cone?

09-19-2015, 03:57 PM
After 3 days of free swimming and feeding off the parents flanks, they are now back on the cone. Is this normal behavior?

Altum Nut
09-19-2015, 04:39 PM
This is not the most technical answer but just take out the cone.
Why the fry were attracted to cone could be that they may have been pecking the surface looking for food. If you haven't already start a batch of BB.
Are the parents dark and what strain are they? Fry are like new born babies...always hungry.


09-19-2015, 04:48 PM
90044Ha! My wife just told me to do that. I'm quite the brain surgeon. Lol. They're deep Red Turquise. They are dark.

Altum Nut
09-19-2015, 05:32 PM
Ha! My wife just told me to do that. I'm quite the brain surgeon. Lol. They're deep Red Turquise. They are dark.

Well Bill I would first turn to your wife and give her a big kiss and if that what the end result my friend you have much work ahead of you. Parents are beautiful and sure fry will turn out the same under proper care.
Who in their right mind would ever get tired of that site.


09-19-2015, 06:31 PM
I always over analyze these darn fish! Thank you Ralph, they are stunning. Weren't in our tank 24 hours before they put eggs on the cone. Believe me they are getting the best obsessive compulsive care I can give them. Oh, and my wife is getting plenty of hugs! She's the brains of the operation, I just scrub tanks, change water and cut fat off beef heart.

09-19-2015, 10:17 PM
so pretty!

09-20-2015, 08:57 PM
I found when they went back on the cone..or on the sponge..or not sticking close to parents is when the water was a bit off. .
but yes take out the cone..or the parents may also decide to relay if they are young and overly excited about the laying part of breeding..
if the parents don't stay dark..or flash dark when its their turn to carry..then they could be losing interest. they need to flash on and off when its their turn . you should see when one swims off the lightens up and goes dark again when he or she returns after having a break or eating.
I watch carefully as its a sign they have lost interest. after they start eating bbs and the parents seem to lose interest or start staring at a wall or something to want to lay..you could pull the fry .. if they do want to lay again..they could eat the fry.