View Full Version : How many grams is 1 teaspoon of metro ?

09-19-2015, 09:46 PM
I purchased a 100 gram container of metronidazole from Jehmco.com per recomendation from people on another fish forum for my discus. When i got the container today the bottle was sealed with black electrical tape.. probably to make sure the cap didnt unscrew and spill powder everywhere... However when i opened the bottle the cardboard seal was broken as well and inside the container.

The amount of metro for the size of this 100gram container is also pretty small. 1/3 of an inch of the entire container at best..

How many grams of metro are in a measuring teaspoon ?? I measured 26 measuring teaspoons and from sources on google.. 1 teaspoon is 2.25 grams.. Which means Jehmco gave me 58 grams out of the 100 grams i ordered for $13... If thats the case... wow... $13 isnt alot of money but that isnt the point... this is fraud and theft, i really hope for their sake that 1 teaspoon is 4 grams.. Because if its actually 2.25 grams im going to raise hell over this matter, the bottle being sealed with tape and the cardboard factor seal broken only tells me they scooped half of my metro out..

I called the manufacturer Aquascience Technologies and left a message i asked them to confirm for me how many grams a teaspoon is..

09-19-2015, 09:57 PM
When I need metro I order from them. That container contains 100 grams of metro, which is normal. It will never be full. It's how the manufacture put 100 grams into the container. If you want to confirm use a gram measure to weight it.

09-19-2015, 10:07 PM
Here is a picture of the container.. Does this look about how full yours is ? I know it wont be completetly full but you arent getting at where i am getting at... sources online state 2.5 grams of metro is 1 teaspoon if this is true then i have 58 grams... Was yours taped shut like mine and the main cardboard seal broken inside the container like someone opened it ?

Oh and i plan to go to a pharmacy tomorrow and ask the pharmcist if she/he would be willing to measure the weight of this metro for me. They may or may not, im not sure how else to measure this asside from buying a scale myself. Look at these pictures.. one of them is a picture of the shadow in the container so you can see how full it is its at the red writing on the bottle .. Is that how full yours have been ? Granted if you ordered from them as well you might have been ripped off too..

I will deff get a confirmation Monday when i call back the manufacturer of this product..



09-19-2015, 10:07 PM
It is fine. 4.2 dry grams equal one teaspoon. If you measured 26 teaspoons, that is more than the 100 grams you paid for.

09-19-2015, 10:13 PM
Are you sure ? Because i know 4.2 grams of SUGAR is 1 teaspoon... but metronidizole weighs alot less then Sugar... so how is that an equal comparison ?

Thats why i mentioned in my post i hope the metro is 4 grams per teaspoon.. because if it is then i do have over 100 grams... But as i said that 4.2 grams is for Sugar you are using sugar measurments.. Thats different then the light fluffy poweder of metro.. For example 1 teaspoon of flour is only 3.2 grams.. So i think your deff wrong on the 4.2 grams.

These people are playing me for a fool, unlike some people i paid attention in school. Im not stupid.. 4.2g of sugar is 1 gram, 3.2g of flour is 1 teaspon..

Everything has its own weight. And depending on how much metro weighs is how many grams per teaspoon there are.. I will buy a scale if i have to measure this to be absolutetly sure.. But im pretty sure 2.5 grams is 1 teaspoon

09-19-2015, 10:19 PM
I suggest contacting jehmco directly with your concern.

09-19-2015, 10:21 PM
Oh i have and the maker of the metro.. Left them both messages so until i get a return phone call, or i call them back again tomorrow or monday i just want to see what others online think of this

09-19-2015, 11:01 PM
So, I have a pharmaceutical grade scale and just measured an approx. 1 tsp of metro from Healthaid that is sold at Aquarium Adventures which I have been using when I need to. A level tsp of that weighs 4.823 grams. Of course this is highly variable due to what constitutes a level tsp, but it's close. Trust me I do this stuff all the time.


09-19-2015, 11:05 PM
In case you want to see the bottle of my metro, here's a pic I just took.


09-20-2015, 01:05 AM
Is that 100% metro or does it have other crap in it. Im pretty sure your hikarri metro+ had active ingrediants in it and its only 70% metro i believe

09-20-2015, 01:39 AM
You cannot measure grams with teaspoons because grams are a measurement of weight and teaspoons are measurement of volume. People can tell you all day that this many grams equals this many teaspoons, but that's only a recommended dosage to put you somewhere in the ballpark and shouldn't be taken as an absolute fact. If you're concerned, a small gram scale will allow you to measure the exact weight, which is how the metro was measured before being bottled.

Jehmco is a reputable company and I have ordered lots of medications and supplies from them over the years. If they say it's 100 grams, it's 100 grams. If you weigh it and find that it's not, they will fix it.

09-20-2015, 01:48 AM
Ok then I'll weigh it.. Ill try to find a scale thats a reasonably priced.. I just dunno.. The container was opened. the cardboard seal was broken and the container was taped.

Anyway thanks for the help guys. As for dosing this, roughly how many teaspoon for a 92g corner tank ? Im think about 1 and 1/4 teaspoons, do i dose every day or every other day and how long ?? The fish i have in the tank are 10 discus, 20 neons, 14 Cherry Barbs, 3 Cory cats, 3 oto cats, and 3 true siamese algae eaters. Its heavily planted too

09-20-2015, 02:01 AM
If it eases your mind a bit, I have the same metronidazole from Jehmco in the 500 gram bottle so I measured a teaspoonful on a gram scale and made a video for you.



In the video I got 4.2 grams in that teaspoon, but I measured an additional two teaspoons and got 3.6 grams and 3.9 grams. That's a range of 93.6 grams to 109.2 grams in your bottle containing 26 teaspoons. Or if you take an average of the three I measured, it averages out to 3.9 grams per teaspoon, or 101.4 grams in your bottle. So you got a little extra. ;)

09-20-2015, 02:16 AM
Thanks alot !!! you saved me alot of aggrivation..

That means Disgirl was correct then.. Thanks for the help guys you are the best !!!..

So as far as dosing.. if the average teapsoon is about 4 grams.. Then for a 92g tank i would need to dose about 1/2 teapsoon then correct ? 1/2 being about 300mg per 10 gallons or is 300mg too little ?

Larry Bugg
09-20-2015, 07:34 AM
Like Ryan, I have used Jhemco for years and I highly recommend them to people. They are extremely knowledgeable and will take the time to talk and explain with you on the phone. On top of that their pricing is usually excellent. Before even mentioning the possibility of "fraud and theft" on a public forum you should make sure of your facts. I would have posted this thread leaving that part out and just asking the questions you did. Also many may read the title of the thread without reading further. Not trying to be harsh but their reputation is on the line and someone not reading this entire thread could get the very wrong impression.

If you are going to be dealing with medications you really should get a gram scale. They are not expensive at all. You can find them for as little as $8 to $15 dollars. Here is the one I have $29 with prime shipping from Amazon.


09-20-2015, 08:40 AM
As for dosing, what does the bottle say? Yes, Metro+ has other crap in it cuz it says dose 9.7 grams per 10 gallons.

Second Hand Pat
09-20-2015, 08:41 AM
Unless it says pure metro in the container.

Second Hand Pat
09-20-2015, 09:13 AM
I changed the title of this thread.

09-21-2015, 11:22 AM
A gram scale, which is inexpensive and should be as basic as heaters, thermometers, etc., is the only way to measure weight accurately. Otherwise factors such as compressability of the metro can dramatically change the dosage. While it's ok to overdose a little with metro, the problem would be with underdosing when treatment.

Gram scales are a good investment and take out the guess work. What they don't change is medication sellers recommending to dose at 1/2 teaspoon, etc. which isn't really very helpful at all.

09-21-2015, 03:53 PM
I haven't read everyone's comment, so forgive me if this sounds redundant, I did read the first post about "how much a teaspoon is".
A teaspoon is equal to (by volume) 5ml or 5mg.
Most pharmaceutical manufactures measure by weight only, not by volume. You need to weigh the product you have received to see if you have been shipped a mistake or not.
Again sorry if someone else mentioned this.

09-21-2015, 09:53 PM
I think the issue arises due to metro concentration differences between various manufactures so they rely on unit of measure that everyone can relate to, which is a teaspoon. Everyone has a set of measuring spoons but not a gram scale. So it's difficult to give a general dosing advise. You have to follow the manufacturers recommendation. I just picked up Seachems metro and the dosing is completely different than Hikaris metro+. Seachem provides their own little scoop and it's 1 scoop per 10 gallons whereas Hikaris is 1 capful per 10 gallons. By weight, Saechem is 0.175 grams per 10 and Hikari is 9.7 grams per 10. Seachem provides 70% concentration but Hikari does not so one can't tell if the metro dosing is equivalent. And also, because not everything weighs the same as water, you can't assume 1 tsp or 5 ml is 5 grams.



09-22-2015, 10:39 AM
I think the issue arises due to metro concentration differences between various manufactures so they rely on unit of measure that everyone can relate to, which is a teaspoon. Everyone has a set of measuring spoons but not a gram scale. So it's difficult to give a general dosing advise. You have to follow the manufacturers recommendation. I just picked up Seachems metro and the dosing is completely different than Hikaris metro+. Seachem provides their own little scoop and it's 1 scoop per 10 gallons whereas Hikaris is 1 capful per 10 gallons. By weight, Saechem is 0.175 grams per 10 and Hikari is 9.7 grams per 10. Seachem provides 70% concentration but Hikari does not so one can't tell if the metro dosing is equivalent. And also, because not everything weighs the same as water, you can't assume 1 tsp or 5 ml is 5 grams.



The Hikari Metro+ is Metro and another med. meant to have a synergistic effect.

True, concentrations can vary, but dosing by weight, assuming the manufacturer knows what to recommend, is more reliable, even though overdosing Metro is more forgiving than some other drugs. The Seachem products are commonly available but relatively low in strength and maybe more so as time goes on. Their relatively low strength Kanamycin Sulfate was 40% in concentration but is now somewhere in the mid 30%'s, yet the same dosing is recommended, which was under dosing to begin with by 50%. Dosing by volume is subject to compressaibility in the product.

09-23-2015, 10:25 PM
Ok guys how long should i be using metro for ? I think ive been using it for like what 4 maybe 5 days now ? My discus is eating again.. I just changed 80% of the water, which i do every 3 or so days anyway, and i added another dose in the tank.. How much longer should i be using this ?

Second Hand Pat
09-23-2015, 10:28 PM
10 day treatment is generally recommended.

09-23-2015, 10:54 PM
10 ten treatment is generally recommended.

I actually have done 10 days, but that would translate to 20 dosings since I would typically do twice a day treatments with a WC in between.

Second Hand Pat
09-23-2015, 10:56 PM
I actually have done 10 days, but that would translate to 20 dosings since I would typically do twice a day treatments with a WC in between.

Fixed it Ricardo, rather tired tonight.

09-23-2015, 11:03 PM
Fixed it Ricardo, rather tired tonight.
