View Full Version : Old saltwater tank?

09-20-2015, 06:17 PM
So I have found an old saltwater tank with sump on craigslist 75 gallon bow front it has the over flow in the back

any issues using this type of tank for my discus after I do super disinfect clean. And what would a fair offer be he is asking 475?

09-20-2015, 06:42 PM
That is the exact set up I have and I have had for 6 months now no problems! I find it easier to clean than my other tanks.

09-20-2015, 06:59 PM
Thanks Juan,did you get yours new or used? would you tell me how your set up sump please.
Thanks Pictures would be cool:)

09-20-2015, 07:25 PM
I have never been a fan of those inside-the-tank overflow boxes, so I cut them out and make use of the drilled holes, one for a standpipe overflow to the sump/filter system, and the other for a 5" tall, two-way water-change pipe. I figure its easy to hide a 1" diameter pipe with driftwood or a plant, and its nice to be able to see everything. Does that tank have one pre-drilled hole or two?

The equipment looks like its in pretty good shape. The ones I find and buy for super cheap are not display tanks. The fun part is putting water in them for the first time *out on the patio* and seeing if they leak.

09-20-2015, 07:37 PM
thanks for your comment nemonic. i have no idea how many holes it has, is there a usual? if it leaks how much of a pain is it seal it and is it worth the risk when petsmart sells brand new 75 gal tank stand light for 349

09-20-2015, 07:42 PM
I have a bowfront tank, a 46 gal, I love it, it is not a discus tank but it is a very nice footprint I think. I like the bow it makes the fish look bigger and it displays really well. im not a fan of overflows but as far as the bowfront footprint goes I would get it. 475 is too much though. you can find tanks for $1 a gallon add another $50 for the tank and $30 for the sump so id say offer $200 and see what they say

09-20-2015, 08:00 PM
Tony, the overflow box, that black container you can see in the back of the aquarium, will probably have one or two holes drilled in the bottom glass for the pipes going to the sump. It really doesn't matter how many holes unless you have a specific type of overflow in mind. You can plug them, or use one or both for the sump. $475 does seem high unless they will include a nice lighting fixture.

If it leaks. For that price you should not have a leak to deal with. I only reseal a tank when it was very cheap, like $50 cheap.

09-20-2015, 08:03 PM
Thanks Jacklyn.
I am waiting to them respond, asked if it had a tank cover (glass lid) not sure if i need that with discus? that's about what i was thinking on the price too.

09-20-2015, 08:14 PM
He has light fixture and protein skimmer and a bunch of other stuff not sure what type of light it is or if it would be right type for discus. Maybe someone with more experience can tell.


09-20-2015, 08:19 PM
that's bright. you're going to have algae problems unless you have a ton of plants. are you planning a bb tank/biotope/planted ?? light looks way to bright for a non planted tank

09-20-2015, 08:44 PM
Going to start out with KISS, till i see how i do with just fish, going to try to grow out some babies and see what i end up with then maybe do a nice decorative tank. still leaning more towards the 75 gal at petsmart no hassle or clean up or risk. unless he takes 200 hundred for it then i guess i cant say no

09-21-2015, 12:57 PM
The setup is probably expensive because of the equipment he had running on a SW tank. Their equipment is a lot more expensive. A protein skimmer can cost a good $200-$300 alone. Of course he can't expect to get that back, but this may be why he is selling it so expensive. I wouldn't pay more than $275 for the setup, but the sump might be plumped for a SW tank, rather than a FW one. Does it have a refugium?

edit: actually, on second thought, that sump looks like a regular wet/dry sump. Nothing special, but nothing you can't convert to FW either.

09-21-2015, 02:16 PM
Around here about $150.


09-21-2015, 05:25 PM
Thanks guys. I just found out he doesn't have a glass lid for it how important is that for discus. I asked him and waiting for answer on the brand of tank to see if i can order glass top for it. And you guys think its worth the hassle for a few dollars since the marine land aquarium and stand is only 349 at petsmart and I would spend 200 on hydor 600 canister.

09-21-2015, 05:52 PM
Thanks guys. I just found out he doesn't have a glass lid for it how important is that for discus. I asked him and waiting for answer on the brand of tank to see if i can order glass top for it. And you guys think its worth the hassle for a few dollars since the marine land aquarium and stand is only 349 at petsmart and I would spend 200 on hydor 600 canister.

I would honestly check out your local Craigslist. You just happened to run in to someone trying to sell at close to retail price. There are many deals to be had out there. Word of advice, buy the biggest tank you can. Rather than buying small now and having to buy larger down the line. I recommond a 75g or larger for discus.

09-21-2015, 06:01 PM
Not critical. As long as heater can keep up. Extra heater should help. Sure it's fine now but in winter months if you keep house temp at 68 and have a heater that just foots the bill for that many gallons then you may want to keep a spare on hand. May not be a prob at all. Also, there is a chance of a jumper but not a huge chance.

09-21-2015, 09:55 PM
I would honestly check out your local Craigslist. You just happened to run in to someone trying to sell at close to retail price. There are many deals to be had out there. Word of advice, buy the biggest tank you can. Rather than buying small now and having to buy larger down the line. I recommond a 75g or larger for discus.

Well I have been on craigslist for a few weeks now and haven't really found anything that seems to be such a great deal, wasted a day going out and looking at tanks allover town and most of the time the tank doesn't look like picture, and usually under the cabinet especially if its an old saltwater tanks they are all nasty.
So I think Im pretty much sold on the new 75 gal one from petsmart. What do you think Ricardo sorry for calling you Rick before. What do you think Ricardo. $349


09-22-2015, 02:36 PM
I pretty much have that exact same tank setup, except for the fact that mine is Acrylic (typically more expensive), yet I paid $150 for both tank and stand used. I say wait a few weeks while you scours Craiglist to see if a better deal comes along. Chances are, that deal from Petsmart will be there for a while anyways. Just my opinion though. The reason I tend to try to avoid these tanks is because they are very cheaply made. Drilling them becomes a big issue considering that so many people claim that these companies use much thinner glass to make these tanks. That is only speculation and heresay mind you, but it has always been enough to keep me paranoid. Typically, with used tanks, you can find a Visio, or Leemar which are much better quality at a comparable, or cheaper price. YMMV

09-22-2015, 04:10 PM
Thanks Ricardo, but I wasn't planning on drilling it unless you think that is a must. I am assuming the drilling is for sump system, i was just going to do canister filter.

09-22-2015, 04:57 PM
Thanks Ricardo, but I wasn't planning on drilling it unless you think that is a must. I am assuming the drilling is for sump system, i was just going to do canister filter.

correct. if you don't plan on drilling, then this shouldn't be a problem.

09-26-2015, 06:51 PM
Well I got the petsmart tank pictured above for 380 out the door, and I have my Hydor 600 canister filter.
I have coming in the mail tonight the Rio 1400, Hydor 300 watt inline heater and two fusion 700's.
I still need to buy a cheap heater for aging tank and a couple thermometers and some tubing to pump water in to tank and a siphon and a few other odds and ends which i will pick up at local store.
So from what I have read here i should take the carbon filter out of my canister. Right?
I also found something called smart start which I read on an old blog that people were saying will cycle your tank immediately, not sure I should trust it because as someone pointed out the blog was several years old and did not find any new mentions of it,what do you guys think?
I got a 106 qt tub to use to age my water in which is 26.5 gallons which would be a third of my tank.

09-27-2015, 05:17 PM
Well I got the petsmart tank pictured above for 380 out the door, and I have my Hydor 600 canister filter.
I have coming in the mail tonight the Rio 1400, Hydor 300 watt inline heater and two fusion 700's.
I still need to buy a cheap heater for aging tank and a couple thermometers and some tubing to pump water in to tank and a siphon and a few other odds and ends which i will pick up at local store.
So from what I have read here i should take the carbon filter out of my canister. Right?
I also found something called smart start which I read on an old blog that people were saying will cycle your tank immediately, not sure I should trust it because as someone pointed out the blog was several years old and did not find any new mentions of it,what do you guys think?
I got a 106 qt tub to use to age my water in which is 26.5 gallons which would be a third of my tank.

I would have suggested a larger aging barrel. 55g would have been perfect imho. Check your local CL and you can find them as cheap as $10. I did with mine.

As far as a miracle quick start? There really aren't any, but you can simply do large, massive water changes at first to start your cycle, or, alternatively, you can use pure ammonia to start your tank cycle. Either will work.

You do not want the carbon in your filter, so take that out. Keep it though, in case you ever need it to remove meds. As far as a cheap heater for aging barrel, I bought this kind and it works great for my 55g aging barrel: