View Full Version : So Hydor inline heater wont link up with Hydor 600??

09-27-2015, 02:01 PM
So first problem I ran into in setting up my new tank is the Hydor inline 300 watt heater wont fit the Hydor 600 Canister filter which seems kind off dumb. So I am not sure if I should Jerry rig it which shouldnt be that hard with a few reducers and such from hardware store but then i am messing with the flow rate going from big hose to small hose. Has anyone done this ?:mad:

09-27-2015, 02:15 PM
So first problem I ran into in setting up my new tank is the Hydor inline 300 watt heater wont fit the Hydor 600 Canister filter which seems kind off dumb. So I am not sure if I should Jerry rig it which shouldnt be that hard with a few reducers and such from hardware store but then i am messing with the flow rate going from big hose to small hose. Has anyone done this ?:mad:

lol, seems rather short sighted of Hydor doesn't it? I would personally reach out to Hydor cutomer service and ask what they recommend before you start tinckering ;)

09-27-2015, 02:31 PM
Thanks Ricardo, I will try too call them tomorrow, or just return the heather and get two regular ones which are way cheaper.

09-27-2015, 03:16 PM
Thanks Ricardo, I will try too call them tomorrow, or just return the heather and get two regular ones which are way cheaper.

I'd try to keep the inline. I personally have used it for all my setups over the years, minus my current tank (sumped) and have 0 complaints about them. Love those heaters, and they are super reliable.

09-27-2015, 05:55 PM
Tony, I agree. I use inline Hydor heaters in my display tank, they have been superb. If you can't connect with Hydor by phone, try emailing. And let us know what they say! -Don

09-27-2015, 07:35 PM
Will do tomorrow and I will let you know what they say

09-28-2015, 08:56 AM
Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the Hydor filter uses two different size hose for intake/return? I think the return hose is the smaller one.

09-28-2015, 11:11 AM
Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the Hydor filter uses two different size hose for intake/return? I think the return hose is the smaller one.

Personally I do not know, but yes, the inline heater needs to be placed inline on the return line, NOT the intake line.

09-28-2015, 02:09 PM
Just checked the specs of the filter. It appear then use same size intake/return hose (19/27).

09-28-2015, 10:12 PM
I sent them an email, and tried calling them they were closed today

09-29-2015, 03:13 PM
I called and they said the heater doesn't work with that model and he said i could use a reducer on it and it would be fine, but i don't want extra connections with leak potential. So i will have to get a regular one for the tank.

09-29-2015, 03:41 PM
I called and they said the heater doesn't work with that model and he said i could use a reducer on it and it would be fine, but i don't want extra connections with leak potential. So i will have to get a regular one for the tank.

A reducer isn't a big deal, and you should have told him to flag that up to corporate office for being shortsighted. Really a stupid move by Hydor IMHO.

09-29-2015, 09:13 PM
Oh well too late, I returned it and bought a Finnex Max-300 Digital Aquarium Heater Controller and two EHEIM Jager Aquarium Thermostat Heater 300W soI have one for heating water and backup just in case. I need to start my tank journal. Thanks for all your help guys

10-02-2015, 06:16 AM
I git my heater and installed it in the tank and temp is coming up nicely but now I have ugly tank syndrome, I don't really care for all the junk in my BB tank. I have 2 air stones and this ginormous heater. Any ideas? Thanks

10-02-2015, 07:50 AM
I git my heater and installed it in the tank and temp is coming up nicely but now I have ugly tank syndrome, I don't really care for all the junk in my BB tank. I have 2 air stones and this ginormous heater. Any ideas? Thanks

Make your own inline heater with what you currently have if you don't want to modify the Hydor 300 to fit your filter.

10-02-2015, 03:41 PM
So how do I do that, I was wondering how i could do a really simple sump, i cant drill my tank i I would like to just put all the crap down below and just have an intake and output in the tank .i already have a pump and I can get a 20 gallon tank for 20 bucks but not sure how to set it so if power fails it doesn't siphon all the water out of my tank.is there a one way valve or something. Video suggestions would be great. Thanks

10-02-2015, 04:42 PM
Tony, I know you just purchased a filter and a heater, and I didn't know you were going to have these problems with the inline heater. But if you want a really clean tank with no equipment in it, as you suggest, you might consider a canister filter such as one from Eheim that has a heater in it. https://www.eheim.com/en_GB/products/technology/external-filters/professionel-1200XLT. I don't know what the reviews are on this machine, but just thought I'd throw that out.

I'm not shilling for Eheim, but you might consider what it would cost you to purchased a drilled tank, a new aquarium stand set up for a sump, and the sump itself and all the plumbing.

Good luck. -Don

10-02-2015, 04:54 PM
Thanks Don, I have already sunk a lot of money in my setup. So i cant make a simple sump ,I will have to live with it for now. I should have bought the smaller hydor then it would have fit .I just figured the bigger the filter the better.

10-02-2015, 05:34 PM
Make your own inline heater with what you currently have if you don't want to modify the Hydor 300 to fit your filter.

This is definitely an option. Check out Joey's YT channel and he has an episode where he shows you hot to make a DIY inline heater I believe. I honestly think it would have been a better route to simply modify the hydor to go inline. It is only a reducer after all. My return line use to go from the output, to a co2 reactor, over the top to a hydor 200 inline to the water column. I can't imagine that your setup would have been more complicated than mine.

10-02-2015, 05:44 PM
I know nothing would have happened but im a little scared of leaks i live in a high rise.I am not even sure about a sump

10-02-2015, 06:04 PM
I have never been a fan of having ANYTHING in my tanks :). No heaters, no air stones, sponges, intake tubes, etc. Up until recently I had to deal with inlet/oulet tubes, however, I had lily pipes and I still didn't like the maintenance they require. This was a big "pro" in my debate on going with a sump or not for my current build. Sump won out and I do not regret it one bit. I stuck my heaters in there, sponge filters, probes, all media and I have a ton of room to put more stuff in if I need it.

10-03-2015, 06:33 AM
Well I started looking at overflow boxes that hang on the back which sound good, but I think I need to just stop be happy with what I have for now and wait for my tank to cycle get some fish in it and then maybe down the line make modifications like that once I learn a few things.
This for sure is not a show tank as is, I am just planning on getting some small fish and growing them out and see how I do and then maybe once they are grown I can change things and make it into a planted tank. Going out to cali for a few days to see my folks in Fresno next week so hopefully when i get back this tank might have shown some change so far not much happening,ammonia is holding steady without having to add any at 2 ppm.
I ran test this morning
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 2.0
Nitrate 5.0