View Full Version : Do These Symptoms Sound Familiar?

10-06-2015, 09:34 PM
1. 3-2 days before death getting noticeably more DARK
2. 1 day before death hanging out near top of tank. Slow reaction to banging on glass.
3. A few hours before death floating sideways at top of water. No reaction to banging on glass. Seem to be moving mouth much more frequently than regular. Almost like gasping for air.

Then they sink and die.

All of my fish died this way I suspect because I introduced a new discus to the tank with no QT. But he appears to be doing fine...

10-06-2015, 09:53 PM
How long ago did you bring the fish home from the squalid LFS?

10-06-2015, 09:56 PM
6 days ago

10-07-2015, 12:36 AM
Oh boy, sorry to hear that. I've seen that happen to my community tank by introducing new fish without QT. Learned my lesson with that terrible experience. Probably lost 90% of my fish within 2 weeks.

10-07-2015, 03:24 AM
Wow,that was fast. It ussualy takes longer for discus to die from dissease,IME they are sensitive on catching one ,but tough when dealing with it.
Sorry to hear that.

10-07-2015, 08:41 AM
One juvenile survived...then I noticed he was missing an eye; looked red like blood. Maybe the new guy gorged it out? I don't know.

10-07-2015, 01:56 PM
Yes, sounds too familiar. With one or two small differences something like this wiped out an entire 90 gal. tank of Discus (about 10 fully grown), Brochus Multiradiatus (large green catfish), and some other things. Nothing I tried had any effect.

All because I broke qt too early on a wild Discus that seemed to have something wrong with it but I assumed it was just reacting to the cramped confines of my 10 gal. qt tank. I have vowed never to make that mistake again.

Sorry to hear about your fish. Sometimes we learn these things the hard way.

10-07-2015, 03:52 PM
P.S. - What the actual ailment was is still a mystery to me. I've never seen anything that killed my fish as quickly as that. Everything dead within five days, Discus and non Discus alike. No medication I had seemed to do anything.

10-07-2015, 03:57 PM
P.S. - What the actual ailment was is still a mystery to me. I've never seen anything that killed my fish as quickly as that. Everything dead within five days, Discus and non Discus alike. No medication I had seemed to do anything.

Yeah same. I'm so confused. And the perpetrator seems to be doing just fine! WTH?

DC Discus
10-07-2015, 05:36 PM
Sorry for your losses. Fish can build up immunity to diseases and parasites. So if you introduce something to fish that haven't been exposed let, that can cause what you've experienced. From your other thread your new fish looked older (months) then your previous fish and from what I've read Discus build-up up immunity around 3-5 months. There is research into developing ich vaccines based on this principal;



10-07-2015, 06:01 PM
Yeah same. I'm so confused. And the perpetrator seems to be doing just fine! WTH?

Now you'll need to make a decision. If you keep that one discus who seems to be a carrier of a deadly pathogen, you won't be able to add any other discus to the tank. So do you keep him, or do you cull him and any other fish in the tank and then start over?

If you decide to start over ALL the fish in the tank need to be culled because they may have picked up the disease and could pass it along. Once the tank is empty you'll need to sterilize the tank, filters and all equipment before you introduce new fish.

If you decide to keep the LFS discus, then you'll need to buy new discus and toss them in, then cross your fingers and hope that they don't die too.

10-08-2015, 08:10 AM
Now you'll need to make a decision. If you keep that one discus who seems to be a carrier of a deadly pathogen, you won't be able to add any other discus to the tank. So do you keep him, or do you cull him and any other fish in the tank and then start over?

If you decide to start over ALL the fish in the tank need to be culled because they may have picked up the disease and could pass it along. Once the tank is empty you'll need to sterilize the tank, filters and all equipment before you introduce new fish.

If you decide to keep the LFS discus, then you'll need to buy new discus and toss them in, then cross your fingers and hope that they don't die too.

My wife right now hates me for spending $300+ and it all just dying so I'll have to let her calm down a bit. After that I am going to cull the LFS discus, sterilize, and buy some discus from Hans or Kenny.

10-08-2015, 08:45 AM
My wife right now hates me for spending $300+ and it all just dying so I'll have to let her calm down a bit. After that I am going to cull the LFS discus, sterilize, and buy some discus from Hans or Kenny.

yep.. then don't mix anymore WITHOUT QT

10-08-2015, 08:50 AM
Did not read all of the responses but this type of deal has been posted many times before. Your new fish is a carrier. He has built up immunity to whatever it is. If you want any long term success bleach the tank and start over. This time only buy discus from a reliable source.
