View Full Version : Discus super black after eating

10-14-2015, 08:55 AM
Hi everyone,

I have a 55G BB with 7 juvies in there (since about 5 weeks), 100% water change everyday.
All my discus are eating and active.
I am just concerned about one: eventhough he is begging for food and eat like everyone else, he gets very very dark after eating (he is also being chased a lot when the food is in the tank)
I am half concerned since he is eating, I am just scared that he is getting sick.
Can the fact that being chased so much make him so much darker?
Should I just leave nature do its thing and let them be?
Thank you!

10-14-2015, 09:02 AM
He is just stressed. Shouldn't be an issue but constant stress can cause other opportunistic issues to arise. That's just nature. All you can do is eliminate the stresses you can control such as maintaining tank/water cleanliness and providing a nutritious diet.

10-14-2015, 10:15 AM
He is just stressed. Shouldn't be an issue but constant stress can cause other opportunistic issues to arise. That's just nature. All you can do is eliminate the stresses you can control such as maintaining tank/water cleanliness and providing a nutritious diet.

Thank you!