View Full Version : Creating my own Diet for my Discus

10-24-2015, 03:05 AM
Backstory:I work at my LFS and have been for a while, keep in mind I'm only 17. So I am no expert but I have a good sensible knowledge about keeping discus and fish. So for a while I've wanted to start breeding Discus and Im going through all the things I need to consider and figure out. Im brand new to forums in general. If you want to hear more about my plans for the breeding set ups or could help me out figure out the kinks i don't know if this has Dm(direct message) or Pm(personal Message) okay so this is what i have planned only for the diet.

I am going to have 4 stable foods.
-Earthworms(red worms)
-White Worms
-Black worms
-Homemade recipe

These are the 4 stable foods i am going to feed to my discus. If you have any more suggestions please inform me or if there is something wrong with it let me know. I will be breeding all my food and since i work at my LFS i get everything at cost so its nice.

Now my real problem is creating my own homemade food. And i have come up with 3 important things i need to factor in. varying protein,veggies, and vitamins.Now this is where its gotten tricky. At first i thought okay i am going to buy all the items fresh and just mix it my own but i know a lot of people do that. So what came to mind was this company Repashy. It started out as a reptile replacement food mix company. Having reptiles that feed of this I remember they also has fish premixes.So here is what i have come up with and i would love some more opinions. So i was going to take some of their products mix them together so I'm planning on using 2 of their premixes which one contains many veggies and the other enhances the red colors which is what around the color the discus i plan to breed. Then I will add the vitamin they have called superpig which i know really works because I've seen the difference in my animals personally and its also meant for fish. its basically a combination of the vitamins that are responsible for this color I'm sure you guys know what i am talking about. then after having this mix made up i plan to add the fresh meats which would be beef heart,shrimp,fish fillet (tilapia),krill, and squid.
so the recipe is this
-Beef Heart

Sorry if it was a lot i just want to do this right and the best way possible. I have a lot of plans for this and would love some feed back thank you!

10-24-2015, 06:19 AM
Welcome, you will learn much here grasshopper.

I used repashy a couple of years ago. After making a few batches I threw the rest of the package in the trash. Repashy is very expensive. A decent flake or pellet food would serve you better.

Just look through the many beefheart recipes to get ideas. I'm no expert, , right now I just use a mix of extra lean ground beef, shrimp, tetra color bits and knox gelatin and bit of garlic. My fish love it so I know it works.

I raise white worms and red wigglers. white worms are such fantastic food, but such a pain and time consuming item to harvest, clean and feed that they only get some 1-2x a week.

Personally, I feed my mix every morning and night. 'lunchtime' is flake or pellets. whiteworms whenever I feel like it. I would feed your mix morning and night and rotate the 'lunch' items as you like.

If you are going to keep or breed spend more time figuring out waterchange and cleaning routines that worrying about food and you will be light years ahead of most everyone.

10-24-2015, 07:15 AM
I would suggest just doing a quality beef heart mix and being done with it. You do not need anything else. I have been feeding it since before you were born. I have raised morwe fry than you can imagine. It is the only food I use other than BBS for new fry.


10-24-2015, 11:07 AM
Keep in mind that John's beefheart mix is a bit of a moving target, and that it includes everything including the kitchen sink! LOL. It is the most well round recipe I have seen. It should be much cheaper than what you were planning as well.