View Full Version : Need some direction please

10-27-2015, 08:56 AM
I have been going back and forth with my scape, I listened to some ideas on making a beach area and putting most of the plants on the right, I did so and my wife hates it, I would like ideas with with the available plants, and rocks that I have as I am on a spending freeze with the tank till spring. Please feel free to make me a sketch or something. Its a big tank with a lot of potential just need to grasp it.


10-27-2015, 09:18 AM
I ACTUALLY think this looks really good. I would suggest clumping your plants to the right instead of lining them all up against the back wall in a line. Clump them in triangular sections, supposedly triangular patterns are appealing to the eye. you can have some coming to the front of the glass. Your beach would look better with nothing at all except some scattered plants. The way you have the staurogene (guessing) in a line looks really unnatural and silly. I would remove the rocks in the beach section completely or just do one. I would also scatter the plants in the beach section instead of putting them in a line. But, I do really like this set up.

10-27-2015, 10:31 AM
Agree with above. You got to make it more triangular, plants falling towards left side from taller to shorter If this triangular king of scape is your aim.

For this length of tank I also think concave scape would make nice 3D effect. That means falling plants from both sides to front from taller to shorter to carpet plants.
With Higrophila angustifollia spreading very fast, you should have plant material in short time to do this.

10-27-2015, 12:55 PM
I believe if you buy a whole bunch of mosses and tied them up to the manzanita (?) branch you have on the left, it will contrast way more. Additionally, I believe you need at least one more variety of plant in there to make things flow better. Have you considered Java Fern? If you placed that amongst the amazon swords it would look nice because they would be different heights. You could then move the grassy plant over to the left. Consider getting some HM, or some reineckii to add some color to the tank as well. Or some tropica 049 to the foreground. There are quite a few things you can do with such a large tank as you have.

for instance, take a look at this members scape:

See how the verticallity offers the eye to move upwards from the ground level?

10-28-2015, 08:08 AM
Thanks for the ideas, I think and so does my wife that I need to spread some of the smaller swards behind the rocks on the left. As for the staurogene repens I put them in a line around the front of the rocks as I don't really know where to start them so they can carpet. For some reason I do not have a creative eye for recreating nature in the aquarium =(. I was going to play with it last night but I came home and found a small puddle if front of my tank and found one of my ball valves leaking out a small pin hole in the back. So had to make a emergency run to Home Depot. I will probably be redoing my plumbing this weekend.

10-28-2015, 08:23 AM

studying for the SAT I see Ricardo, good word

10-28-2015, 09:06 AM
Its misspelled, no credit...

10-28-2015, 02:11 PM
What about something like this?


I moved the medium sword from the middle over to the far right, then placed the smallest sword in front of it and slightly off centered.

I moved a the medium small sword from the middle to the midpoint of the plant groupings, so it's to the left of the new swords in the right side grouping.

Then I moved the large rock from the middle (the furthest on the right) over next to that medium small sword and also moved the s. repens that you planted in front of the rock. That way some of the carpet will fill in on that side.

I then grabbed a large val and stuck it behind the rocks on the left side and moved one medium height one from the middle of the tank to behind the rocks. The other val in the middle of the tank moved over to the very right hand side, against the side wall of the tank instead of the back of the tank.

And then I tipped the driftwood so that it's more vertical than horizontal.

Sorry for chopping up some of your discus. They were right smack in the middle of the plants I had to chop out of the middle. Poor angel - he's only half the fish he used to be! =)

10-28-2015, 03:23 PM
What about something like this?


I moved the medium sword from the middle over to the far right, then placed the smallest sword in front of it and slightly off centered.

I moved a the medium small sword from the middle to the midpoint of the plant groupings, so it's to the left of the new swords in the right side grouping.

Then I moved the large rock from the middle (the furthest on the right) over next to that medium small sword and also moved the s. repens that you planted in front of the rock. That way some of the carpet will fill in on that side.

I then grabbed a large val and stuck it behind the rocks on the left side and moved one medium height one from the middle of the tank to behind the rocks. The other val in the middle of the tank moved over to the very right hand side, against the side wall of the tank instead of the back of the tank.

And then I tipped the driftwood so that it's more vertical than horizontal.

Sorry for chopping up some of your discus. They were right smack in the middle of the plants I had to chop out of the middle. Poor angel - he's only half the fish he used to be! =)

That looks pretty sweet with what is in there IMO.

10-28-2015, 04:07 PM
new setup looks great! do you like it??

10-28-2015, 06:16 PM
Yes!!! Now I just have to do it!

10-28-2015, 07:14 PM
What about something like this?


Very nice idea Toni, and very good photoshoping. I like your visualisation.

This Is also what I was thinking.
A concave scape with two hills left an right falling downwards to an empty space somewhere I'm the middle.
It's best suitable scape for lengthy tanks.

10-28-2015, 07:29 PM
Very nice idea Toni, and very good photoshoping. I like your visualisation.

This Is also what I was thinking.
A concave scape with two hills left an right falling downwards to an empty space somewhere I'm the middle.
It's best suitable scape for lengthy tanks.

Thanks, it's what I do for a living so for me it's fun to reimagine things. If I'd taken my time I could have been more precise and not chopped the discus bodies into pieces. But, today I'm designing a flyer for the 2016 MADA discus show and recreating a logo for the official tee shirt for the show - so I had to do a hack job on Devon's poor fishies.

I'm glad you like it Devon! If only I had a nice long tank that I could play with. But sadly, mine is a 48wx32t and like you, I can NOT visualize the design of my own tanks. LOL

10-28-2015, 07:59 PM
I have to say, this tank looks amazing. I can't understand why anyone wouldn't like it the way it was or after some very generous member photo shopped a new design.
I love the tank set up and the rimless top with the hanging lights really add a nice classy touch.
Classy all the way mate!

10-28-2015, 09:30 PM
Its okay looking, what you need is some really big long peice of driftwood for a tank of that length.. Right now it seems kinda plain to me..

Either that or get more slate rocks and build some kind of large rock tower in the middle of the tank.. I dont like the empty gap you have

10-28-2015, 09:33 PM
studying for the SAT I see Ricardo, good word

Its misspelled, no credit...

lol, I was just about to say that! I spelled it wrong. My SAT years are way behind me now, as evidence shows lol

10-28-2015, 09:35 PM
For inspiration, please check out this page:

Look towards the bottom, there is a great video that will hopefully spark some imagination!

10-28-2015, 09:51 PM
Toni, I followed your layout after the water clears I'll post a picture tomorrow. I think I'm getting somewhere, I do plan of getting some large drift wood in the spring. Just trying to let my wallet hibernate for the winter.

10-29-2015, 07:36 AM
Let me know what you think or what else could be changed I'm liking it a lot better so far water is still a little cloudy. 915319153291533

10-29-2015, 08:06 AM
furthest sword to the left, bring it forward and to the right a little to fill in the hole next to the rock. take the plants along the back (behind the swords) and mingle them in with the swords. bring at least one sword plant to front right corner.

10-29-2015, 03:42 PM
Ill fill in that far right corner and adjust the grassy plants. How does the left side look I tied my Anubias to that DW.

10-29-2015, 03:59 PM
left side looks good I think

10-29-2015, 09:15 PM
Is that repens you have in the foreground? Do you have any mosses you can attach to the left side wood?

10-30-2015, 09:22 AM
Yes they are, and I have no mosses right now what do you suggest?

10-30-2015, 09:12 PM
Yes they are, and I have no mosses right now what do you suggest?

Any friendly moss will do really. Do not get any that is specialized, typically the nano versions. Moss is a slow grower so I suggest getting a bunch and taking it apart and tying it to the DW with fish line or thread.

11-01-2015, 04:54 PM
Where is a good site to get moss I tend to get stuff from aquariumplants.com but I didn't see moss on there.

11-02-2015, 03:39 AM
I think it looks really nice, very natural

11-03-2015, 06:03 PM
So I found a piece of DW, I was wondering if Toni anyone can could do a photoshop of it in the tank. I think if I have a piece to work off of I can make a really nice natural display.


11-03-2015, 06:04 PM
I also was looking at some red tiger lotus, and java fern and some more swords to fill in any spaces.

11-03-2015, 07:42 PM
I LOVE this piece of wood, you can never go wrong with Rich's wood pieces. I say go for it, I do not recommend the moss though, makes a mess and traps a lot of poo that we all know is not ideal for your discus. I think it looks good as it is though

11-04-2015, 07:33 AM
Thanks, it's what I do for a living so for me it's fun to reimagine things. If I'd taken my time I could have been more precise and not chopped the discus bodies into pieces. But, today I'm designing a flyer for the 2016 MADA discus show and recreating a logo for the official tee shirt for the show - so I had to do a hack job on Devon's poor fishies.

I'm glad you like it Devon! If only I had a nice long tank that I could play with. But sadly, mine is a 48wx32t and like you, I can NOT visualize the design of my own tanks. LOL

Toni, thanks for sharing your talented aquascaping ideas with those of us who have no vision! How about showing us a photo of your show tank? What exactly do you do for a living?

11-04-2015, 07:41 AM
Is that an acrylic tank? Is the dark background actually the back of the tank? I dont see many tanks here on sd with dark background, and its a WOW!!! Is it a problem with your pigeons peppering?

11-04-2015, 08:21 AM
Is that an acrylic tank? Is the dark background actually the back of the tank? I dont see many tanks here on sd with dark background, and its a WOW!!! Is it a problem with your pigeons peppering?

He got a white sand bottom.That's what's most important considering peppering of discus.
Background is not detrimental.

11-04-2015, 09:55 AM
Yes it is a acrylic tank with a black acrylic back, I have one fish that peppers slightly if the lights are on 1% but nothing that is notable. The white bottom makes the tank bright and as long as I keep the WC's on time it keeps there stress down. I noticed if I increase the output of the lights to about 20% my blues lighten right up. I would like to do a 3D stone background when $$$ is available.